I Live the Life of a Movie Sta / Gale Wind Transistor
Album: Gale Wind Transistor   Collection:General
Artist:I Live the Life of a Movie Sta   Added:Sep 1998
Label:Hit or Miss Records  

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6. Mar 04, 2017: Buford J. Sharkley Presents: As Told to Hervey Okkles
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Track Listing
1. Teenage Dream Circuit   8. Charlemagne
2. Cherrys Constantine   9. Taffeta Lipstick Kiss
3. Daydream December   10. Atom Blast
4. You're the Star of My Favori   11. 10,000 Unmemorable Goodbyes
5. Gale Wind Transistor   12. A Fine Time for a Holiday
6. Radio Argot   13. Stereo Syndicate
7. It's Always Summer   14. Automatic
  15. Shake Earthquake Shake