Larkin, Patty / A Gogo: Live on Tour
Album: A Gogo: Live on Tour   Collection:General
Artist:Larkin, Patty   Added:Oct 1999
Label:Vanguard Records  

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 18, 2024: Traditions
Do not Disturb
2. Sep 15, 2005: Safe/Safeless
Do not Disturb

Track Listing
1. Wolf at the Door   8. Booth of Glass
2. Banish Misfortune/Open Hand   9. Who Holds Your Hand
3. Tango   10. The Book I'm not Reading
4. Do not Disturb   11. Don't Do It
5. Don't   12. Mary Magdalene
6. Dear Diary   13. Me and that Train
7. I Told Him That Dog Wouldn't Run   14. Good Thing