Various Artists / Alright, this Time Jus
Album: Alright, this Time Jus   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Oct 1999
Label:Sympathy For The Record Industry  

Recent Airplay
1. May 27, 2024: Virtually Happy
Oh Bondage Up Yours
4. Jan 04, 2024: down in the basement
2. Apr 11, 2024: down in the basement
Some Things Just Stick in Yo
5. Nov 16, 2023: down in the basement
Ca Plane Pour Moi
3. Mar 07, 2024: down in the basement
I Don't Like You
6. Oct 05, 2023: down in the basement
Your Baby's Gone

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Muffs, the I Don't Like You
2. Banana Erectors Fed Up with High School Days
3. Grown Ups, the Nick and Nick
4. Detroit Cobras Ain't Hittin' on Nothin'
5. Candypants Dishy
6. Friggs, the Shake
7. Supersnazz Baby Love
8. Chubbies, the When I Was Your Girlfriend
9. Sacred Miracle Cave The Ghost of Elizabeth Shaw
10. Barbarellas, the Happy Days
11. Lunachicks Shit Finger Dick
12. Eyeliners, the Six Years
13. Lo-Hi Put a Sock in It
14. Holly Golightly Anyway You Like It
15. March, April Cet Air-La
16. Buck My Fascination
17. Hole Retard Girl
18. Bags, the Survive
19. Starpower I'm Sorry
20. Revillos, the Your Baby's Gone
21. March, April & Makers Sad Little Bug
22. Neptunas, the Davy Jones Liquor Locker
23. Red Aunts, the Terri Man
24. Calamity Jane My Spit
25. Shitbirds, the I Want You
26. 5,6,7,8'S, the Bomb the Twist
27. Trinket Happy Right this Second
28. Fur I'm not Coming
29. Thee Headcoatees Ca Plane Pour Moi
30. Haves, the Coal Black
31. Trip, the Help Me
32. Lorre, Inger & Motel Shootout Burn
33. Geraldine Fibbers Toybox
34. Phenobarbidols Therese
35. Third Grade Teachers Fear of a Boy
36. Free Kitten Oh Bondage Up Yours
37. Stool Pigeons I'm Into Something Good
38. March, April & Los Cincos Some Things Just Stick in Yo
39. Cougars, the Brain Cactus
40. Honeymoon Killers, the Mad Woman Blues
41. Electrocutes Eggnog
42. Dark Carnival Heaven Can Wait
43. Little Porkchop Mean, Mean Man
44. Pebbles, the Sitting By a Window
45. Grace, Earl Lee Together
46. Pussy Crush Burn Your World Down
47. Candy 500 Keep It in the Hole
48. Satan's Cheerleaders I've Got Levitation