Timms, Sally & Jon Langford / Songs of False Hope & High Val
Album: Songs of False Hope & High Val   Collection:Country
Artist:Timms, Sally & Jon Langford   Added:Jan 2001
Label:Bloodshot Records  

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 22, 2024: Hanging in the Boneyard
4. Jan 21, 2003: In The Leaves
Dark Sun
2. Jan 07, 2004: In the Leaves
Dark Sun
5. Jan 03, 2003: In the Leaves
Dark Sun
3. Feb 25, 2003: In the Leaves
Dark Sun

Track Listing
1. Horses   5. I Picked Up the Pieces
2. Watching the Horizon   6. Dark Sun
3. Anything Can Happen   7. Down From Dover
4. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain   8. Joshua Gone Barbados