A Frames / A Frames
Album: A Frames   Collection:General
Artist:A Frames   Added:Jun 2003
Label:Ss Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-07-21 Pull Date: 2003-09-22
Week Ending: Sep 21 Aug 31 Aug 24 Aug 17 Aug 10 Aug 3 Jul 27
Airplays: 1 1 1 2 1 3 7

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 11, 2009: public noize racket
Empty Particles
4. Jan 23, 2005: Robot Talent Show
2. Apr 12, 2006: Foreplay and Sex Wax
Electric Eye
5. Jan 14, 2004: sad and dangerous
3. Mar 13, 2005: Robot Talent Show
6. Sep 18, 2003: sad and dangerous

Album Review
Riina Luik
Reviewed 2003-07-21
Play this shit, okay???

Like The Numbers, this Seattle band draws heavily on post-punk bands (Wire, Devo, The Fall, The Cramps??). Angular guitars, plodding bass, and robotic vocals (with lots of scientific references and puns) combine well. This album is fun and should be played when something upbeat and unusual is desired.
*1* driving, dissonant guitars w/melodic chorus; some noisy fun toward the end; very post-punk
*2* prominent bass, simple percussion, and angular guitars; robotic vocal delivery;
*3* bass and guitar interplay reminds me of The Cramps; male/female vox
4 bouncy bass and guitars; male/female vox at choruses
5 odd; repetitive guitar with monotone male vox; chorus just "plastic surgery" repeated
6 bass lurches along with unemotional vocals; guitars provide only variation
7 distorted male/female vox with dissonant guitars; some pretty guitar interludes take the edge off
*8* almost funky guitars lurch along with robotic vocals; cool breakdown near the end; builds to a choatic finish; cool!!!
*9* reminds me of the Rock-A-Teens; reverbed guitar and bass makes this a pretty pop song that builds to an epic finish
*10* perfect rock formula: pounding drums, simple/catchy guitar riff, and distorted male vox; energetic chorus; again, very post-punk
*11* drum machine, slinky bass, distorted male vox; a more eerie version of track #6; Devo???

Track Listing
1. Hostage Crisis   7. Empty Particles
2. Calculator   8. Electric Eye
3. Chemical   9. Surveillance Camera
4. Transgenic   10. Test Tube Baby
5. Plastica   11. 333333
6. Nobot   .