Tubes, the / Tubes, the
Album: Tubes, the   Collection:General 12"
Artist:Tubes, the   Added:Jul 2004
Label:A&M Records  

Recent Airplay
1. May 31, 2024: Lost Civilization
Mondo Bondage
4. Aug 29, 2009: Scatterbrain Radio
White Punks on Dope
2. Sep 17, 2009: The Songsmith Show
Mondo Bondage
5. Nov 19, 2008: Brownian Motion
What Do You Want From Life
3. Sep 02, 2009: Brownian Motion
What Do You Want From Life
6. Jan 02, 2008: Brownian Motion
White Punks on Dope

Track Listing
1. Up From the Deep   5. Mondo Bondage
2. Haloes   6. What Do You Want From Life
3. Space Baby   7. Boy Crazy
4. Malaguena Salerosa   8. White Punks on Dope