Harris, Corey / Blu.Black
Album: Blu.Black   Collection:General
Artist:Harris, Corey   Added:Oct 2009

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-04-18 Pull Date: 2010-06-20
Week Ending: May 16 May 2 Apr 25
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 30, 2024: Traditions - Artists Named Harris
Find A Way
3. Apr 30, 2010: The Songsmith Show
Conquering Lion
2. May 14, 2010: Everyday Commotion (Songsmith Edition)
4. Apr 23, 2010: The Songsmith Show

Album Review
Rhonda Goodman
Reviewed 2010-04-01
Overall, decent, old school, smooth R&B sound, with jazz, blues, and reggae interspersed throughout the tracks. Lyrics straight forward, almost like a lesson in black history with music providing further commentary. Kind of music you play on a Sunday afternoon while cleaning or on a home picnic with family. No FCC violations detected. See tracks 1, 2, 8
Reviewed by Rhonda Goodman, March 2010

1. Reminded me of a Stevie Wonder song from the 1970s. 2. slow-tempo, guitar and piano, nice track. 3. old-school ballad, the kind you want to grab a partner and two-step. 4. medium-tempo, reggae undertones 5. reggae sounding 6. smooth keyboard sound, slow-tempo sound. 7. opening slow guitar, tempo picks up slightly. 8. Folk sound, guitar only. 9. old-school R&B sound. 10. percussion beginning with cymbals, keyboards pick up before lyrics - reggae undertones. 11. reggae sound, medium-tempo. 12. reggae, more uptempo sound. 13. straight-up 1970s funk sound, medium-tempo. 14. Blues-sound, slow-tempo sound.

Track Listing
1. Black   8. Columbus
2. My Song   9. Pimps And Thieves
3. Find A Way   10. Blessed Seeed
4. Conquering Lion   11. Run Around Girl
5. Babylon Walls   12. Backlash
6. King And Queen   13. Everytime I Look At You
7. So Good To Me   14. Blues