Mountain Man / Made The Harbor
Album: Made The Harbor   Collection:General
Artist:Mountain Man   Added:Aug 2010
Label:Partisan Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-10-10 Pull Date: 2010-12-12
Week Ending: Dec 12 Nov 14 Oct 31 Oct 24 Oct 17
Airplays: 2 2 2 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. May 29, 2024: Strum, Pick, and Thrash
4. Dec 07, 2010: TimeTraveler
Animal Tracks
2. Feb 08, 2018: FMF
Animal Tracks
5. Dec 07, 2010: Double Daydream Disaster
White Heron
3. Feb 17, 2011: Daydream Disaster
6. Nov 09, 2010: Time Traveler
Animal Tracks

Album Review
Andy S
Reviewed 2010-10-10
Super-pretty, bare-bones indie folk: acoustic guitar and a couple intricately harmonizing female voices. A great, home-recorded purity to the sound (low-fi in that sense, plus a little tape hiss, but no distortion). Heads up: most of the tracks start with at least a couple seconds of silence, so cue up or fade out. RIYL Fleet Foxes, Grizzly Bear, Shearwater. My picks: 2, 5, 13. FCC clean. –Andy

*1 - Sweet, earthy vocal arrangement with a little guitar
**2 - Wistful, pining, arresting
*3 - Spacey and somber like Shearwater (oh and hey, it's even got a bird name)
4 - Acappella, wintry and medieval
**5 - Slow, thoughtful, and sweet
6 - Cutesy, plaintive
*7 - Acappella southern porch music, a decade too late to make the O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack
8 - Plodding guitar and lush, reverb'ed vocals; slightly spooky
*9 - Cooing, vaguely Celtic lullaby with nice guitar
10 - (Starts ~0:12) Slow, lulling, reverent
11 - Nice mid-tempo a capela arrangement
12 - A cappella biblical/hymnal round
**13 - Really cool, soulful ditty with a real rhythm in the vox; even features a very quiet bass drum

Track Listing
1. Buffalo   8. Arabella
2. Animal Tracks   9. Sewee Sewee
3. White Heron   10. Loon Song
4. Mouthwings   11. Honeybee
5. Day Song   12. Babylon
6. Soft Skin   13. River
7. How'm I Doin'   .