Berthiaume, Antoine / Small Tease
Album: Small Tease   Collection:Classical
Artist:Berthiaume, Antoine   Added:Sep 2010
Label:Monorail Trespassing  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-04-03 Pull Date: 2011-06-05 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jun 5 May 22 May 15 May 8 May 1 Apr 17
Airplays: 1 1 1 2 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 02, 2011: Lost Verses
Lotsa Fizz
4. May 01, 2011: lost and found
2. May 21, 2011: Music Casserole
Lotsa Fizz
5. May 01, 2011: SONGS: Cantan
Des Caramels Pour Eva
3. May 12, 2011: Lost Verses
Chamallow Toine
6. Apr 24, 2011: lost and found
Oh Mary!

Album Review
Reviewed 2011-03-27
Downright pleasant and calm: Folky guitar-led instrumentals with a touch of country twang. VERY surprising given this guy usually hangs with avant-garders like Fred Frith. It's not quite Americana -- chords often get dissonant, without breaking the serene mood. Think of it as a cross between new age (in a good way) and folk. Probably too pretty for avant-garde shows and too slow for rock/pop shows, but... there's certainly a place for it.

Berthiaume's guitars (acoustic, some electric) are the star, but you've also got occasional drumming and bass, a steel guitar (2) and a string trio (11).

1- Charming twang plus drums
2- Heavy guitar vibrato, slow, some dreamy steel guitar
3- Gentle waterfall flow of notes, a few dissonant moments
4- Pleasant intro, into mysterious chords finger-picked
5- Calm swaying, nervous scratching percussion
6- Banjo? Steely, bouncy sounds, a quietly joyous sun shower
7- Tough cowboy-film tones, a bit of a departure. Cool.
8- Sleepy, nice, very Western
9- Chiming new agey tones, shimmery
10- Bright, sparkly
11- Mid/slow and pretty; adds strings for some edgy tones

Track Listing
1. Small Tease   7. Malabar
2. Lotsa Fizz   8. Chamallow Toine
3. Solstice Et Reglisse A L'anis   9. Oh Mary!
4. Forgotten Gummy   10. Carambar
5. Des Caramels Pour Eva   11. Biscuit Vole
6. Falling Skittles   .