Robedoor / Pacific Drift
Album: Pacific Drift   Collection:General 7"
Artist:Robedoor   Added:Nov 2010
Label:Not Not Fun  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-12-12 Pull Date: 2011-01-30 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jan 30 Jan 23 Jan 2 Dec 26 Dec 19
Airplays: 1 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 01, 2013: Shlepping Cobalt
Pacific Drift
4. Dec 29, 2010: Brownian Motion
Pacific Drift
2. Jan 25, 2011: Ghost Trees
Pacific Drift
5. Dec 24, 2010: n4rc071c5
3. Jan 17, 2011: Ghost Trees
Blanked Out
6. Dec 16, 2010: BBW Radio: the quest for Maholm
Blanked Out

Album Review
Kirby Puckett
Reviewed 2010-12-09
beautiful, hazy, dark murky psyche rock from former doomdrone masters. guardians of the bleak. actual songs on this w/ instruments, harmonies, melodies structure & shit. an endless abyss of sounds, get wrapped up in its womb of warm noise. the masculine version of pocahaunted. this 7 inch is phenomenal, and i'm not just saying that because i have seven inches. get addicted to this band starting with this release.

SIDE A- starts with a mere drone and builds to a dark, hazy, murky, psyche rock masterpiece, anguished vox, a pipe of some sort and the intensity of braveheart. a phenomenal.

1) Low rumbling, indiscernible male vox buried under a blanket of toms, brown frequencies. the louder the better.
2) minor key dusty plod through a dystopian western ghost town. anguished, alone, winding down, coming to terms with the fate that all things must end.

Track Listing
1. Pacific Drift   3. Blanked Out
2. Exploited   .