Rolnick, Neil / Extended Family
Album: Extended Family   Collection:Classical
Artist:Rolnick, Neil   Added:Apr 2011
Label:Innova Recordings  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-06-26 Pull Date: 2011-08-28 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Aug 21 Jul 24 Jul 17 Jul 10 Jul 3
Airplays: 1 1 1 2 3

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 17, 2011: Memory Select
The Gene Pool
4. Jul 06, 2011: consummate classical
2. Jul 22, 2011: Songs: Cantan
Mono Prelude
5. Jul 06, 2011: Grace
Siblings, The Gene Pool
3. Jul 13, 2011: Grace
Cousins & Uncles & Aunts
6. Jul 01, 2011: Songs: Cantan

Album Review
Red West
Reviewed 2011-06-21
Three modern-classical pieces. String quartet tracks 1-5 all acoustic, no studio trickery or extended playing, melodic even if dissonance is frequently employed. Track 6 is a journey through several styles of piano, with a little bit of computer composition accompaniment. Track 7 is a spoken word + effect mashup with the artist relating a disconcerting health issue dispassionately.

+1. An insistent pattern of angular harmonies and melodic snippets, played by string quartet.
+2.Gentle, tentative. Instruments play solo and then together.
3.Pleasant bits interspersed with agitated bits.
+4.Old wise lamenting cello, lyrical violin, eulogizing viola.
5. Slightly dissonant, mid-fast, gets more dissonant
+6.Piano piece with synth accompaniment. Starts off boogie-woogie with fat buzzy bass accompaniment, turns to Peanuts-like jazz and layers on, turns expansive, turns jittery, turns minimalist- keeps flowing from style to style. A good piano showpiece with computer accompaniment for color. For 24 mins, you won’t be bored
+7. swirling tones like sci-fi tinnitus with composer talking about losing hearing in one ear. It’s processed so at times the speech repeats and blends in to goofy 8-bit tunes, which in turn mimic the speech. Listen to how your senses decay. (This is part 1 of a larger performance involving more stories & personnel than here).

Track Listing
1. The Gene Pool   5. The Gathering
2. Siblings   6. Faith
3. Cousins & Uncles & Aunts   7. Mono Prelude
4. Loss   .