Gosta Berlings Saga / Glue Works
Album: Glue Works   Collection:General
Artist:Gosta Berlings Saga   Added:Jun 2011
Label:Cuneiform Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-11-20 Pull Date: 2012-01-22
Week Ending: Jan 15 Jan 8 Dec 18 Dec 11 Dec 4
Airplays: 1 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. May 05, 2012: Catharsis: featuring Monkey Power Trio
4. Dec 14, 2011: razor's edge
2. Jan 11, 2012: Buford J. Sharkley's Themeless Escapades
Island, 354
5. Dec 10, 2011: Songs: Cantan
3. Jan 06, 2012: maximum entropy
6. Nov 30, 2011: razor's edge

Album Review
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Reviewed 2011-11-11
Gosta Berlings Saga - Glue Works (Cuneiform Records)

Tries to be epic stoner rock. A little more repetitive than psychedelic but it's in the parking lot. All sort of sound the same.

1. (6:00) Urgent snare and bass. Math / stoner rock
2. (3:13) Quiet intro, noodley guitar, gets a little epic
3. *(12:26) Strings and theramin, then enter bass drums guitar gets blistering
4. *?(6:16) Pretty glockenspiel(?) __radiohead__. catchy
5. (2:45) Plodding video game
6. (2:09) More plodding. Accordion and horn interlude. Fades into..
7. (12:45) Prog. meh. Then gets more sugary

Track Listing
1. 354   5. Waves
2. Icosahedron   6. Geosignal
3. Island   7. Sorterargatan 1
4. Gliese 58lg   .