Sentinel / For Days Deep
Album: For Days Deep   Collection:General
Artist:Sentinel   Added:Oct 2011

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2012-02-05 Pull Date: 2012-04-08
Week Ending: Mar 25 Feb 26 Feb 19
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 20, 2012: Instant Cat
As The Crow Flies
3. Feb 14, 2012: AudioVault
As The Crow Flies
2. Feb 21, 2012: Audiovault without Ins

Album Review
Deniz Cebenoyan
Reviewed 2012-02-01
Sentinel / “For Days Deep” / Self

Local indie rock band from Oakland, CA. Female singer, high vocal register, often dreamy feel to voice, though almost entirely from effects. Most songs consist of high pitched soaring spacey guitars resonating, a steady drum beat, and dreamy mid-high pitched female vocals, often layered. Pretty repetitive and not too interesting or original. Gotta give the local love though, so go ahead with any track. Nothing offensive, and the songs are pretty interchangeable.

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Favorite tracks: 6, 7?
Individual track reviews continued inside.

1. 3:09 Spacey electric guitars, steady beat, basic midtempo rock song.
2. 3:25 Slightly catchier tempo, echoey vocals, midtempo rock song.
3. 3:25 Slower, steady beat, some nice vocal harmonies.
4. 3:54 Slightly peppier feel to this one, repeated echoey guitar riff, kind of devolves to the usual sound.
5. 4:12 Midtempo, echoey vocals, a few stretches of just guitar, drum picks up a bit in the middle.
6. *3:30 Guitar starts lower in this one! Nice change. Midtempo, picks up a bit, vocals also sound a bit stronger.
7. *4:49 Slow beginning, steady “epic” sounding beat/big guitar chords, beat picks up at 1:30, but then slows again. But then picks up again! Kind of cool-ish?

Deniz Cebenoyan

Track Listing
1. Kinda Light Up   5. Whaley
2. All That's Necessary   6. As The Crow Flies
3. Locator   7. Sunset
4. Finale   .