Rigney, Tom & Flambeau / Don't Fight It
Album: Don't Fight It   Collection:General
Artist:Rigney, Tom & Flambeau   Added:Nov 2011
Label:Parhelion Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-11-20 Pull Date: 2012-01-22
Week Ending: Nov 27
Airplays: 1

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 01, 2012: Sunshine . . . on a Rainy Afternoon!
The Funky Gator
2. Nov 24, 2011: The Songsmith Show
California Blues

Album Review
MC Dizzy Jackson
Reviewed 2011-11-09
Bay Area native Rigney has been playing violin for years in many genres including country, cajun / zydeco, and this, a mostly blues album. Rigney is the son of Bill Rigney, player and coach of the New York / San Francisco Giants. There’s some nice playing here. Flambeau consists of bass, drums, guitar and keys. Rigney plays some very solid violin. No FCC’s.

*My Favorites*: 1, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13.

1. *(2:45) Mid. Upbeat barroom bluesy, rollicking ride. Propelling piano, plodding beat with some nice violin breaks.
2. (4:41) Mid. INSTRUMENTAL. Rockin’ with organ, heavy drumbeat, guitar solo. Nice drum, piano interplay.
3. (4:23) Slow / Mid. INSTRUMENTAL. Mellow, heavy mood with cool violin, guitar interplay. Nice guitar work.
4. *(3:46) Mid. Upbeat, fun bluesy rocker.
5. *(4:26) Slow / Mid. INSTRUMENTAL. Downbeat mourner. Nice violin and guitar with a plodding beat.
6. (4:07) Mid. Title track. Catchy, poppy, easy-going bluesy song with backing vocals.
7. *(3:50) Mid. INSTRUMENTAL. Piano boogie with heavy beat. Really upbeat. Understated violin in the background.
8. (4:48) Slow. Bluesy mourner. Cool bass, percussion,
9. (4:33) Mid. Piano, drums propelling this ramblin’ bluesy, country tune. Violin takes it home. Some fine playing.
10. (5:36) Slow / Mid. INSTRUMENTAL. Some sweet violin here on a mellow groover with some cool harmonics.
11. *(5:20) Mid. Upbeat zydeco-influenced song with violin paving the way. Strong beat, good guitar, piano.
12. *(4:59) Mid. INSTRUMENTAL. Song for violin virtuoso Vassar Clements. Violin-led with plodding drum. Easy-going number with a very suave piano break.
13. *(4:32) Mid. INSTRUMENTAL. Cool jam with some great violin, guitar and piano.

Track Listing
1. Just Your Fool   8. Teardrops On Your Letter
2. Adeline Shuffle   9. California Blues
3. Snakewalk   10. Rigo's Blues
4. Treat Me Like A Dog   11. Bonjour Tristesse
5. The Clown And The Stripper   12. Blues For Vassar
6. Don't Fight It   13. The Funky Gator
7. Caroline's Boogie   .