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Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:30pm - 11pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Lion Eating Poet Standing Closer To You Than You Are To Me Midwest / Psychedelic Wasp Nest
Sundog Peacehouse Sometimes I Still Think About You
Brosound / Digitalis Industries
Libellula On The Occasion Of A Late Day Meeting
(2) / Majmua Music
Axel Krygier Pesebre
Pesebre / Crammed Discs
Cabolaides Psychic Birthmark
Cabolaides / Dnt Records
Badgerlore Stone Stick Earth Brick Stories for Owls / Yik Yak
The Lickets Under Bridge
Eidolons / International Corporation
Berthiaume/Sharp Oeuf
Base / Actuelle Cd
Frank Rothkamm Overcome By Art
Ghost Of New York / Flux Records
Tonetta The Charge
777 Vol Ii / Blacktentpress
Richard Pinhas Paranoia (Iridium)
Metal/Crystal / Cuneiform Records