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Mon Apr 24, 2006 noon - 1pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Radiohead [nice dream] The Bends / Parlophone
Led Zeppelin What Is And What Should Never Be Led Zeppelin II / Atlantic
Protocol Harum A Whiter Shade of Pale Best of Protocol Harum / Phonographic Performance
Pulp Cocain Socialism N/A / Island Records
The Pretenders Kid The Predenders / Sire/Real Records
Gary Moore With Love (Remember) Ballads and Blues 1982-94 / Virgin Records
The Pogues Thousands are Sailing If I Should Fall from Grace with God / WEA Records
U2 Kite All That You Can't Leave Behind / Island Records
Elvis Costello Watching the Detectives My Aim is True / Rhino
Queen and David Bowie Under Pressure November in UK / Raincloud Productions
Pink Floyd The Great Gig in the Sky Dark Side of the Moon / EMI Records