Various Artists / Tm 4: the Hard Edition
Album: Tm 4: the Hard Edition   Collection:General 12"
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Jul 1994

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Trancetters Secrets of Meditation(Remix)
2. Daedalus Project Speedball(T-Vee Remix)
3. Rezoid Total Attack(On Acid)
4. Trancccccetters Meeting of the Aspirits
5. Encephaloid Disturbance Renegate Ectoplasm
6. Trancevision American Dream(Acid)
7. Dj Bubba Unknown Future
8. Asphyx Xtc Alarm(Power)
9. Zolex Yes and no
10. Trancetters Neuro-Disco
11. Encephaloid Disturbance Beyomnd the Cortex Limit