Cartwright/Oppenheim / A Mumbai of the Mind
Album: A Mumbai of the Mind   Collection:World
Artist:Cartwright/Oppenheim   Added:Apr 2004

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-10-11 Pull Date: 2004-12-13 Charts: Reggae/World
Week Ending: Oct 31 Oct 24 Oct 17
Airplays: 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 28, 2004: Sun in Libra Moon in Pisces
Johnny Nolan
3. Oct 15, 2004: Memory Select
Johnny Nolan
2. Oct 17, 2004: Oh Messy Life
Johnny Nolan
4. Oct 14, 2004: Jamorama
The Dog

Album Review
Manoneet Singh
Reviewed 2004-08-17
Improvised performances of Ferlinghetti’s poems, which are more lyrical fragments than “poems” per se. Strange meandering fem. vox accompanied with some energetic Indian percussion (tabla, mridangam, ghatam) and sax (hence the “world/jazz” tag?). Interesting and unusual, if at times a tad artificial.

*Track 1*: The instrumentalists really shine on this one. The sax is dark and bouncy, the vox. are peppy and over-dubbed, and the percussion is lovely lovely lovely. FCC? (“ass”)

Track 3: Slow, drawn-out, over-dubbed vox over fast, tense percussion

Track 4: Slow-to-mid tempo, lots of soprano crooning, great tabla, and swirling sax.

Track 5: Slow-to-mid tempo, loungy and seductive. Faux French lyrics?

Track 6: “Stereo” vox. over increasingly noisy, ringing sax and tabla. Unsettling.

Track 7: FCC —"But halfass drunken sailors / staggered thru her sleep / scattering semen / over the virgin landscape"

Track Listing
1. Johnny Nolan   4. The Dog
2. Poet Like An Acrobat   5. Kafka's Castle
3. Peacocks Walked   6. Waiting
  7. Still She Dances