Powell, Kelli Rae / New Words For Old Lullabies
Album: New Words For Old Lullabies   Collection:General
Artist:Powell, Kelli Rae   Added:Sep 2009

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-11-15 Pull Date: 2010-01-17
Week Ending: Dec 13 Nov 29 Nov 22
Airplays: 2 3 1

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 12, 2009: lost and found
Lullaby For Bad Girls
4. Nov 28, 2009: Music Casserole
Some Bridges Are Good To Burn
2. Dec 09, 2009: Brownian Motion
The Cowboy Song
5. Nov 25, 2009: Brownian Motion
Some Bridges Are Good To Burn
3. Nov 28, 2009: lost and found
Someday Lullaby
6. Nov 18, 2009: Brownian Motion
Someday Lullaby

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2009-11-03
Traditional approach musically to contemporary issues, but amything but “retro”. Female singer-songwriter with a back up band to kill all. Does this sound familiar? Is this my new “Eleni Mandell”? Its all about the perfect voice and the real lyrics, obviously not blinded by trust fund delusion, her songs feel real and lovely. Uke and upright bass fronted, but just the right amount of effects and studio tricks to make it completely interesting and cool. But again, a strong female voice will take a CD anywhere, or at least it should. Check it out, play it. Any track!

1) low fi in-studio intro to a slow blues, all about liking a guy who takes it slow, blues harp, but its all about her playful soulful vocals and the hip grinding sexy pace
2) slower a bit more introspective and dark, a song about good girls: this really should be a public service announcement if there was a god, or at least if I was she
3) mid paced swing, great lyrics about real America, what about that? Why does only “the boss” and that asshole “mellencamp” get the credit
4) slow swing with great lyrics: I think she very well may be poking fun at “dress up cowboys”, aka hipsters who try to ride the alt.country train (that’s diesel electric these days, not coal fired), you tell ‘em girl, this coming from a Tucson bred hipster who’s seen it all when it comes to that shit
5) sweet uke melodies, cutest song ever written about love the way its supposed to be, includes booze, a lullaby, “going with” someone, simple song with just her crystalline voice and the uke and a solemn swear of dedication.
This could and should be played at a wedding, her wedding.
Aww, her’s and mine: marry me kellli rae!!!
6) slow sexy swing, booze powered about love and sex, bars are a dangerous place to write songs
7) slower swing, sex straight up on the rocks: upright bass is really the star despite those heart wrenching lyrics about being left broke, her vocals
8) vocal harmonies kinda take the stage, a simple slow piece about being on the train, but the tracks are going slow if that’s the theme
9) “some bridges are meant to burn”: well take a fucking wild guess how good a song with with chorus like that might be, build up to
10) simple uke and singing, minimal, pretty

Track Listing
1. Guy What Takes His Time   6. Old Tom
2. Lullaby For Bad Girls   7. Drinkaby
3. Don't Slow Down, Zachary   8. Sleeper Train
4. The Cowboy Song   9. Some Bridges Are Good To Burn
5. Someday Lullaby   10. Even Trade