Various Artists / Great Speeches Of The 20th Century. Vol. 1: The Political Arena
Album: Great Speeches Of The 20th Century. Vol. 1: The Political Arena   Collection:Spoken Word
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Sep 2009
Label:Rhino Records  

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 18, 2019: Emergency Crew for PACC
Address To The Boys's Progressive League
4. Jul 27, 2015: Mix Tape: Alexis de Tocqueville Edition
Election Eve Campaign Speech
2. Jul 23, 2018: Everything A to Z week 140
Presidential Campaign Address
5. Jul 04, 2015: Mix Tape: Happy Birthday, America!
Inaugural Address, Address To The American Indians
3. Jul 19, 2016: Clean Copper Radio RNC Broadcast
Inaugural Address
6. May 25, 2015: No Way To Say (Bonus)
Presidential Campaign Address, ''checkers'' Speech

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Taft, William Howard The Farmer And The Republican Party
2. Wilson, Woodrow Address To The American Indians
3. Roosevelt, Theodore Address To The Boys's Progressive League
4. Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 04 Inaugural Address
5. Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 04 Inaugural Address
6. Dewey, Thomas E. Election Eve Campaign Speech
7. Truman, Harry S. Inaugural Address
8. Nixon, Richard Millhouse ''checkers'' Speech
9. Stevenson, Adlai Presidential Campaign Address
10. Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican Convention Address
11. Kennedy, John F. And Richard Millhouse Nixon Presidential Debate
12. Goldwater, Barry Presidential Campaign Address
13. Johnson, Lyndon B. Address To The Nation
14. Kennedy, Robert F. Presidential Campaign Address
15. Nixon, Richard Millhouse Inaugural Address
16. Agnew, Spiro Resignation Address
17. Nixon, Richard Millhouse Resignation Address
18. Carter, Jimmy Democratic Convention Acceptance Speech
19. Reagan, Ronald Inaugural Address
20. Cuomo, Mario Keynote Address For The Democratic Convention
21. Jackson, Jesse Address To The Democratic Convention