Share Playlist:
Sat Oct 19, 2002 9pm - midnight 
smell and quimdeath,destruction,cancer,devorcemlehst / bandaged hand produce
aubecardiotonicacardiac strain / alien 8
Electric WizardNight of the ShapeLet Us Prety / Rise Above
EmulsionLook in the Lines
Sounding Rockets / Evil Eye Records
Van Hoorn, Niels & Spyby, Mark.De Klaverland Klompen Voetbal / Soleilmoon Recordings
Lik RoperSothern Northeast Western BbDigital Penetration / None
TarentelThe Waltz
Ephemera Singles 99-2000 / Secretly Canadian Records
O.S.T.WtSeimlste / Qlipothic
NonBlack Sun
Children of the Black Sun / Mute Records
the Silverman6Requiem Settings / Soleilmoon Recordings
TipsyCurd Duca-Mr Excitement
Remix Party! / Asphodel
th Raymond Scott OrchestretteNaked City
Pushbutton Parfait / Evolver Records
Michael GrossAnnoying Sounds
Telephone Solicitor's Nightmae / R Independent
Beef TerminalAlchemyGrey Knowledge, the / Noise Factory Records
Tarantism / Troubleman Unlimited
Drunk InjunsYour MamaFrom Where the Sun Stands / Alternative Tentacles
Lost SoundsReasons to KillBlack-Wave / Empty Records
Bastard Noise/ the Slasher FilEmbeddedSplit Cd / Kill Frank Lentini
Chicks on SpeedTurn of the CenturyUnreleases, the / K Records
LadytronTrue Mathematics
Light and Magic / Emperor Norton
Ex-Models3 WeeksEx-Models/The Seconds / My Pal God
the Phantom LimbsHot Knives and HornetsPhantom Limbs, the / None
78 RpmLil' Big OnePulsator / Shrunken Head Records
Comets on FireBeneath the IceageField Recordings From the Sun / Bada Bing!!!
septic deathmental cancerattention / none
the Young OnesDiy Til I DieSummer 2002 Tour Demo / Unknown
Ice TPolice Story
Rise Above / Sanctuary Records Inc.
DischargeAlmost AliveDischarge / Sanctuary Records Inc.
Null UnitNull LogicNull Unit / Jet Glue Records
the Black Heart ProcessionA Cry for Love
Amore Del Tropico / Touch and Go
the Resident'sWolverinePetting Zoo / East Side Digital
the Flying LuttenbachersInto the Vastness of Stupidi
Infection and Decline / Troubleman Unlimited