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Thu May 28, 2020 7pm - 8pm 
07:02 pmLupe De LupeEnquanto Pensa no FuturoSal Grosso / --
07:07 pmMy Bloody ValentineSometimesLoveless / Creation Records Limited
07:12 pmLilysElizabeth Colour WheelIn the Presence of Nothing / (Unknown)
07:19 pmyuraginight is youngnightlife / --
07:27 pmCocteau TwinsFotzepoliticHeaven or Las Vegas / --
07:30 pmCandy ClawsTransitional Bird (Clever Girl)Ceres & Calypso in the Deep Time / --
07:35 pmYat-KhaKaa-Khem
Yenisei-Punk / Harmonia Mundi Usa
07:40 pmtopographiesCherry BlossomCherry Blosom / --
07:45 pmLSD and the Search for GodStarting OverLSD and the Search for God / --
07:51 pmMazzy StarFade Into YouFade Into You / Capitol Records (Jazz)
07:56 pmCandy ClawsBirth of the Flower (Seagreen)Ceres & Calypso in the Deep Time / --