Car Seat Headrest / Teens Of Denial
Album: Teens Of Denial   Collection:General
Artist:Car Seat Headrest   Added:Jul 2016
Label:Matador Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2017-09-08 Pull Date: 2017-11-10
Week Ending: Nov 12 Nov 5 Oct 29 Oct 22 Oct 15 Oct 8 Oct 1 Sep 24
Airplays: 1 2 3 2 5 2 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 05, 2024: Phone Scam
4. Jun 28, 2022: Virtually Happy
Connect The Dots (The Saga Of Frank Sinatra)
2. May 11, 2023: autobiography of blue
Destroyed By Hippie Powers
5. Nov 10, 2021: Bass Pro Shop (rebroadcast from Dec 2, 2018)
Unforgiving Girl (She's Not An)
3. May 09, 2023: Up the Beanstalk
1937 State Park
6. Oct 07, 2021: The Library (rebroadcast from Jun 19, 2019)
1937 State Park

Album Review
Jabbering Encore
Reviewed 2017-09-06
Car Seat Headrest, the prolific project of Will Toledo, gets compared to a lot of bands that it doesn’t really sound like. Pitchfork alone has likened Toledo’s music to Guided by Voices, Yo La Tengo, and Pavement—okay, the last one’s not wholly inaccurate. Teens of Denial is chock-full of scrappy garage rock with hilarious, vivid storytelling about Toledo’s awkward, fumbling path through adolescence. As fun as this album is to listen to, it’s littered with FCC violations, but if you want to play this album during safe harbor, turn it up and let it rip.

FCCs: 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11
Favorites: 2, whatever’s not marked as an FCC violation
FCC + Favorites (DO NOT PLAY OUTSIDE SAFE HARBOR): 1, 4, 6, 9

1) “Fill in the Blank” (4:05) – FCC “f***.” Song starts at 0:08. Rapid guitar riffs make for a catchy, energetic rock song. Too bad it can only be played during safe harbor.
2) “Vincent” (7:45)* – Long introduction of guitar noodling—skip the first two minutes. Then it becomes a garage rock song with some splashes of funk and guitar pyrotechnics.
3) “Destroyed by Hippie Powers” (5:04) – FCC “f***.” Slower song with blunter riffs and heavier distortion. Toledo practically screams himself hoarse during the last chorus.
4) “Drugs With Friends” (4:05) – FCC “s***,” “p***.” This song’s full title is so long it’s borderline obnoxious. Distortion is turned down quieter on this song, a funny rumination on recreational drug use.
5) “Not What I Needed” (4:31) – This is the song that got Toledo in trouble with The Cars and cost Matador $50,000. A straightforward guitar song that suddenly changes shape at 2:46, becoming a backwards guitar breakdown laid over a clip from an interview.
6) “Drunk Drivers / Killer Whales” (6:15) – FCC “f***,” “s***.” Song alternates between the “Drunk Drivers” phase, with jangly guitar playing, and the “Killer Whales” phase, with overdriven riffs. The single version of this song, if you can find it, is about half as long and has reworked lyrics, but is FCC-clean.
7) “1937 State Park” (4:00) – A heavy rock song with a really cool Hammond B3 organ solo a bit after the two-minute mark.
8) “Unforgiving Girl (She’s Not An)” (5:27) – FCC “s***,” “f***.” Fast, jangly guitar playing that sounds almost like overdriven surf rock. The last two minutes repeat the title ad infinitum while cranking up the guitar.
9) “Cosmic Hero” (8:32) – FCC “a**,” “g******,” “f***”. A slow burn of a rock song that builds to a rousing crescendo. Not as much ear-splitting distortion as some other tracks.
10) “The Ballad of the Costa Concordia” (11:31) – FCC “f***,” “s***.” The first five minutes are a slow guitar- and piano-driven ballad to failure. Then the song slowly builds in intensity and becomes a fast-paced rock song.
11) “Connect the Dots (The Saga of Frank Sinatra)” (6:07) – FCC “f***.” A fast, guitar-heavy song that veers pretty close to punk rock. The curse doesn’t appear until the end of the song (at 5:50), so if you start to fade out at 5:40 (when Toledo starts screaming), you can avoid it entirely.
12) “Fill in the Blank” (1:19) – A short, acoustic tune that’s a bit of a comedown.

Track Listing
1. Fill In The Blank   7. 1937 State Park
2. Vincent   8. Unforgiving Girl (She's Not An)
3. Destroyed By Hippie Powers   9. Cosmic Hero
4. (Joe Gets Kicked Out Of School For Using) Drugs With Friends (But Says This Isn'   10. The Ballad Of The Costa Concordia
5. Not Just What I Needed   11. Connect The Dots (The Saga Of Frank Sinatra)
6. Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales   12. Joe Goes To School