Rakowski, David / Etudes Vol. 4
Album: Etudes Vol. 4   Collection:General
Artist:Rakowski, David   Added:Apr 2017
Label:Bridge Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2017-04-12 Pull Date: 2017-06-14 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: May 28 May 7 Apr 23 Apr 16
Airplays: 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. May 18, 2024: Music Casserole
4. Apr 19, 2017: Brownian Motion
2. May 25, 2017: Moonlight Impressions
Prog Springs Eternal, Eco Eco
5. Apr 15, 2017: Music Casserole
Not, Prog Springs Eternal
3. May 01, 2017: Mixed Up Class
5tude no. 85: M'aidez

Album Review
Reviewed 2017-04-12
– General Description:
David Rakowski (originally from Vermont) is an honored and recognized American composer. Rakowski’s 100 piano études (considered to be contemporary classics) were composed over a period of 22 years and have been compared to the works of Ligeti (a Hungarian composer of contemporary avant-garde classical music). Here, Amy Briggs performs her fourth volume of Rakowski’s works. Briggs playing has been described as having “dazzling pianistic prowess and unusual expressive understanding" and this is correct. This is a fantastic series that is executed with precision, passion and strength. Well worth playing again and again.
– FCC Compliant: YES
– Recommended Tracks: 2, 4, 5, 8, 14, 16
– Track Reviews:
1. (2:52) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 77, Ecco - bright and harsh
2. **(4:31) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 86, Prog Springs Eternal - rolling and dark
3. (3:31) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 80, Fireworks - richly stormy
4. **(4:16) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 71, Chase - a spackling of starry tones
5. **(3:25) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 73, Heavy Hitter - smashing the wall with a wrecking ball
6. (5:02) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 72, Dorian Blue - searching for a theme
7. (1:42) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 81, Kai'n Variation - fast and elusive stomping
8. **(6:58) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 74, Not - angry vocals added using text by novelist Rick Moody
9. (2:45) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 85, Diminishing Return - block chords atop stuttering single tones
10. (1:54) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 87, Berceuse _Toy Piano - as eerie as toy pianos can be
11. (3:27) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 75, Twilight - quiet wandering around the block with some obstacles
12. (2:53) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 82, F This - tap dancing atop one tone
13. (3:23) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 89, This Means Warble - atop the trees
14. **(2:53) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 76, Clave - bang go the jerky chords
15. (3:20) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 97, Quietude - walking around the keyboard
16. **(4:48) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 93, Polkritude - whipping across the surface
17. (1:54) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 87, Berceuse (celesta) - sparkly and dreamy
18. (3:31) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 84, What's Hairpinning - atop a single tones again
19. (2:36) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 88, Toyed Together - tense toy piano plus piano
20. (2:56) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 78, Upon Reflection - slow and off kilter
21. (3:07) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 83, M'Aidez - rolling with force
22. (2:09) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 90, Solid Goldie - fast thoughts
23. (3:30) Études, Vol. 4_ No. 79, Narcissitude - loud and harsh

Track Listing
1. Eco Eco   12. F This
2. Prog Springs Eternal   13. This Means Warble
3. Fireworks   14. Clave
4. Chase   15. Quietude
5. Heavy Hitter   16. Polkritutde
6. Dorian Blue   17. Berdeuse (Celesta)
7. Kai' N Variation   18. What's Hairpinning
8. Not   19. Toyed Together
9. Diminishing Return   20. Upon Reflection
10. Berceuse (You Piano)   21. M'aidez
11. Twilight   22. Solid Goldie
  23. Narcissitude