Various Artists / Heide Sez
Album: Heide Sez   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Nov 1996
Label:Lookout Records  

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 13, 2024: down in the basement
It's Up to You
4. Jul 06, 2023: down in the basement
Ray of Sunshine
2. Jan 18, 2024: down in the basement
Ray of Sunshine
5. Jun 22, 2023: down in the basement
The Blob
3. Sep 28, 2023: down in the basement
Ray of Sunshine
6. Jan 26, 2023: Down in the Basement
Magic 8 Ball

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Smugglers, the Especially You
2. Queers, the Janelle Janelle
3. Go Sailor Ray of Sunshine
4. Sweet Baby Andorra
5. Crumbs Shakespeare
6. Avail Monroe Pain
7. Couch of Eureka, the I Got the Boom
8. Pansy Division The Summer You Let Your Hair
9. Potatomen, the All My Yesterdays
10. Groovie Ghoulies, the The Blob
11. Cub Magic 8 Ball
12. Mr. T Experience, the I Fell for You
13. Phantom Surfers Ants in My Pants
14. Squirtgun Mary Ann
15. Queers, the Kicked Out of the Weblos
16. Fifteen 924
17. Citizen Fish Used to Work
18. Mr. T Experience, the Velveeta
19. Sweet Baby Year After Year
20. Hi Fives, the It's Up to You
21. Wynona Riders Sprang
22. Pansy Division Headbanger
23. Furious George Betty Crocker Punk Rocker
24. Brent's Tv Superwoman
25. Smugglers, the Elite Manilla
26. Groovie Ghoulies, the Ghoulies Are Go