Yuma Nora / Red Train Graphing the Sunset
Album: Red Train Graphing the Sunset   Collection:General
Artist:Yuma Nora   Added:Dec 2004
Label:Deathbomb Arc  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-04-03 Pull Date: 2005-06-05 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jun 5 May 29 May 15 May 8 May 1 Apr 24 Apr 17 Apr 10
Airplays: 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 5

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 01, 2005: Strange Attractor
On the Railroad
4. May 11, 2005: Brownian Motion
2. May 31, 2005: lick my moody guitar show
5. May 11, 2005: Strange Attractor
Fall O Never
3. May 23, 2005: Stirling's Approximation
6. May 03, 2005: lick my moody guitar

Album Review
Reviewed 2005-03-29
Like a blues shouter who’s never heard a blues chord progression, Amy Vecchione (who is indeed credited with “blues vocals” on the band’s website) moans and wails, carefully modulating her voice, slurring phrases, singing off mic, etc. beautifully – only atonally. Meanwhile, her partners use guitar and drums, yes, but also oscillators and other noise generators to whip up mayhem, settle back down, raise the stakes again. It sounds at once like improv’d noise and premeditated a-blues maelstrom. They appear to be Portland-based. That might have something to do with it all. Or not. It’s fucked up but like a car crash, it draws your attention and even exhibits some artful elements in the wreckage. Love the Onion-worthy photo on their home page:http://yumanora.gq.nu/

Track Listing
1. On the Railroad   5. Goin for It
2. Like Nver Before   6. Pussy Pussy Pussycat
3. Forever   7. Fall O Never
4. Freedom, What Have We Done   .