Idiom Creak / Sweet-Time-Girl
Album: Sweet-Time-Girl   Collection:General
Artist:Idiom Creak   Added:Oct 2009
Label:Samplistic Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-11-01 Pull Date: 2010-01-03 Charts: Electronic
Week Ending: Dec 13 Nov 15 Nov 8
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 08, 2024: Buford J. Sharkley Presents: As Told to Hervey Okkles
Quixotic Cowboy
3. Nov 11, 2009: Brownian Motion
2. Dec 09, 2009: Brownian Motion
Quixotic Cowboy
4. Nov 07, 2009: Music Casserole
Fire In Those Hills

Album Review
Sadie O.
Reviewed 2009-10-22
Idiom Creak – Sweet-Time-Girl
Reviewed by Sadie O., 10/22/09
Sound collage with electronics, acoustic guitar, rather hesitant and processed vocals. I guess I’ll let the one-sheet describe it: “psychedelic trip-hop with cinematic, shoe-gazing emo-rock and gut-intiution.” It also says “abstract-journalism of the uninhabited-hills of music-recording-art.” So THERE. If nothing else, we’re getting good use out of our hyphens.
No FCCs that I could hear. I like 2, 4 and 6. Some of you will REALLY like this.
1. 6:11 **(actually starts two seconds in) very simple acoustic guitar with a bit of hiss in the background, piano tinkles, quavery vocals… After a minute gets going with some exotic sounding flute – very relaxed and pretty. Builds a lot – gets a real beat only in the last minute or so.
2. 4:30 ****another very low-key intro, then very slow beats and buzzy hums, “blues” vocals. Gets a groovy little blues-for-insects beat – I actually find the lyrics hilarious…
3. 3;11 **slow buzzy thump beat with jet bombers, turns midtempo and swingy around a minute along, with a bit of scratching and interesting sounds.
4. 3:40 ***morse code dits and guitar-string harmonics, vibraphone and little forest creatures marching along… Might be about Tourette’s…
5. 4:14 **fade in to downtempo swingy groove and different noises, including ethereal female singing (or something that sounds like it). Several seconds of random drawn out noises at end.
6. 4:19 ***downtempo metronome with soul and sitar. Trance-y yet bitchen.
7. 6:13 *random sounds for 30 seconds, then slow acoustic guitar, and rather depressing vocals, no beat to speak of. Gets an emphatic drum beat for a bit, but stays very depressed. Ends with static.
8. 4:01 *LONG fade-in of unhappy squeeze-box sounds. Little beats and sweet weebles. No vocals. Kinda makes me wanna torture baby bunnies.
9. 5:18 **several seconds before I can even hear the fade-in. very faint acoustic guitar, whizzes. Builds, counterpoint vocals of the same phrases. Bit of fuzzy guitar sound. Very relaxed.
10. 3:55 **slow limping banjo and guitar. No vocals. Kinda sweet.
11. 13:27 long long LONG fade in of random electronic sounds. Some water sounds. No vocals, not really a beat. Just very soft sound collage. I’m afraid this will register as “nothing” to anyone tuning in from their car… Actually gets softer again for most of the song. EXTREMELY ambient…

Track Listing
1. Sweet-Time-Girl   6. Fire In Those Hills
2. Forgot My Baby   7. We Fly Here
3. Funny-Trick-Man   8. Lucky Togather
4. A Play-About   9. Quixotic Cowboy
5. The Positive Numbers...(And The Negative Numbers) Or Equal And Opposite: The Inv   10. Ambient Odysseus