Forms, The / Derealization
Album: Derealization   Collection:General
Artist:Forms, The   Added:Feb 2011

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-11-20 Pull Date: 2012-01-22
Week Ending: Dec 11 Dec 4 Nov 27
Airplays: 1 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 01, 2024: Music Casserole
4. Nov 27, 2011: Everything.
2. Dec 04, 2011: The Independent Mind
5. Nov 24, 2011: meow
3. Nov 29, 2011: madame psychosis
6. Nov 22, 2011: mme psychosis

Album Review
DJ Andi Pants
Reviewed 2012-01-10
The Forms are an indie rock band from New York. Their album, “Derealization”, features math rock, which can be heard in the untraditional time signatures used in almost every song. The album is also dream poppy, and sounds like a combination of Sufjan Stevens and Ra Ra Riot. There are no FCC’s in the whole album.
By Andréa Slobodien
1. Time: 2:42
This song is chill, featuring acoustic guitar, but the acoustic feel is offset by the drums. The male singer has a deep, smooth voice. There are a lot of violins in the song. Mostly major chords.
2. Time: 2:33
This song is a little more poppy, featuring intense electric drums. A repetitive piano chords fill the sound, and the bass in the song is provided by the lower keys of the piano. Vocals are doubled over and some parts feature many harmonies.
3. Time: 2:55
This song is upbeat and builds. The chords are a little jazzier, and the singer, although male, sings in a higher more feminine sounding voice. The song is heavy on synthesized sounds.
4. Time: 1:57
This song features a real drum track and a very full sound due to the use of many more instruments. They make good use of synthesizers. Many major chords and a strong bass.
5. Time: 2:34
Pretty, soft harmonies. Great rhythm with lots of high hat and many complementary guitar melodies. This is my favorite song on the album.
6. Time: 4:43
A little more of an experimental sound. Repetitive, unrecognizable lyrics and lots of effects on the instruments. The song’s 5/4 time signature is more obvious than in other songs because of the otherwise static instruments and clear drumming.

Track Listing
1. Fire To The Ground   4. Alpha Wave
2. Same Path Mantra   5. Finally
3. Steady Hand   6. Derealization