Sharkiface / Climax In a Process
Album: Climax In a Process   Collection:General
Artist:Sharkiface   Added:Oct 2023
Label:No Part Of It  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2023-10-22 Pull Date: 2023-12-24
Week Ending: Dec 10 Nov 19 Nov 5 Oct 29
Airplays: 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 13, 2024: Buford J. Sharkley Presents: As Told to Hervey Okkles
Allegorical: Movement 5
4. Nov 18, 2023: Music Casserole
Allegorical: Movement 5
2. Dec 30, 2023: Music Casserole
Allegorical: Movement 5
5. Oct 31, 2023: HELLAWEEN
Hour of the Wolf
3. Dec 09, 2023: Music Casserole
Allegorical: Movement 5, Chatoyance: Movement 4
6. Oct 23, 2023: Virtually Happy
Movements 1-6

Album Review
Red West
Reviewed 2023-10-20
Sharkiface (Angela Edwards) is an underground music stalwart, among other things running the East Bay “Life Changing Ministries” venue, and playing with a basket of bands that play incognito. This is her first release as a solo artist, and evokes a rich experience alone in a harsh world.

6-11 are a series that work as a single piece or can be played a few together, or on their own.
FCC clean

1. starts with close mic’ed exhales, goes to rising, rousing “aaahs” (sounds like a vocal exercize layed on itself) turns to whispered words at end
2. Scratchy dissonant viola & cello & bass with creepy haunted sounds
3. bell-like clanging, sine notes, distant ocean. Unsettling. Non-english male voice talks close to mic in a poetic rhythm, then woman quietly talks about the magic hour over looped quiet noises
4. Introspective whispers and fearful metallic wail-drones, to empty wind, haunted
5. machinations, drudge of the dammned
6. odd record scratching, I like it
7. bitcrushed arpeggio over backwords vocalizing
8. rising vocal samples, urgent light percussion, clicks and blips- stress impression
9. Sounds like a record pressed off center- or imagine a speaker swinging back and forth past you- the beat is something going up and down in pitch. Which reveals itself to be a voice at different speeds, which disappears. Then pops, electric tape swarm frenzy. Unsettling improv
10. stereo vocal sounds, factory, tolling bell, rhythmic sliding stones, synthesized power tools. Makes me think of being processed on a work day.
11. gentle noise intro, unsteady middle of off kilter tones, gently truncates to one steady buzz

Album page

Track Listing
1. Melancholeta   7. Prearrangement: Movement 2
2. Pan & Echo   8. Mitochrondrial Mother: Movement 3
3. Hour of the Wolf   9. Chatoyance: Movement 4
4. Mystery   10. Allegorical: Movement 5
5. Garden Party   11. Woman's Bane: Movement 6
6. Glossy Tongue: Movement 1   .