Dengue Fever / Ting Mong
Album: Ting Mong   Collection:A-File
Artist:Dengue Fever   Added:Nov 2023
Label:Tuk Tuk Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2024-10-26 Pull Date: 2025-01-25
Week Ending: Nov 24 Nov 17 Nov 10 Nov 3
Airplays: 1 3 3 1

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 23, 2024: Hanging in the Boneyard
Mucho Purple Sunset
4. Nov 14, 2024: Oh Messy Life
Late Checkout at the Cedarwood Inn
2. Nov 16, 2024: where's my snail?
Late Checkout at the Cedarwood Inn
5. Nov 09, 2024: Hanging in the Boneyard
Mucho Purple Sunset
3. Nov 16, 2024: Hanging in the Boneyard
Over the Handlebars
6. Nov 09, 2024: Music Casserole
Room 720

Album Review
Trainee Review Bot
Reviewed 2024-10-26
Reviewed by Porcupine
Ting Mong is the first new album in 8 years by Dengue fever– an American band who does psychedelic Cambodian rock + has a Cambodian singer! Mysterious Cambodian vocals/vocalizations with cool synths, echos, and rock beats. Horror/mystery/psychedelic rock. I instantly fell in love with the music + the main singer.
RIYL: Dirty Projectors, Reiko Kudo, Bjork, Cocteau Twins, The Shaolin Afronauts (think mix of folk-pop, jazz, and psychedelic rock)
Recommended Tracks: 1, 5, 7 (but also 2, 8, 9 this album is just great).
1. (4:22) *** Touch Me Not - Cambodian vocals/lyrics + cool vocalizations. Slow electric guitar/bass background. Languid but upbeat and optimistic; picks up little with a pipe-like instrument + drums/shakers, beat feels delayed.
2. (2:44) * Silver Fish - Wicked, springy oscillating intro. Cool beat that leads into longing/yearning vocals. Cambodian vocals/lyrics lead. Mystical and folk-like.
3. (3:39) Macho Purple Sunset - Soft, curious synth echos & reverberating tones. Low, soft Cambodian vocals. Background male vocalizations that echo and harmonize. Psychedelic and languid. Cool flute trill.
4. (3:31) Great on Paper - English, languid and dragging vocals– tone of a moan. Synth-rock with an indie-pop/rock feel. Cool feminine vocal undertone. Tech-syth beat at the end.
5. (3:57) *** Prahok in My Suitcase - Graveyard synthwave echo. Cambodian vocals that sound like a bass drum. Slow, but electrifying and terrifying. Fog-horn. String instrument with intrigue. Voice recording echoes.
6. (4:07) Late Checkout at the Cedarwood Inn - More upbeat + a solid beat but still mysterious. Lots of fun instruments– horns. bells, bass saxophone, and soft wooden drums. No vocals. Movie-soundtrack esque– Scooby-Doo in the graveyard!
7. (4:15) *** Room 720 - Muted/faded lighthouse stuttering Cambodian vocals behind a searching drum beat. Fleshes out and becomes absolutely haunting. Washboard beat.
8. (4:17) * Over the Handlebars - Serious/searching beat. Slithering, incessant/prattling Cambodian vocals/lyrics + chorus of vocals in English that wash your ears out. Scene of the accident. Trilling instrument and chill piano chords.
9. (3:27) * Wake Me Up Slowly - Upbeat, Sunday morning. Relaxed and bright. Cambodian vocals. Psychedelic, languide, but inspiring! Chill piano beats and shakers. English vocal background.

Track Listing
1. Touch Me Not   6. Late Checkout at the Cedarwood Inn
2. Silver Fish   7. Room 720
3. Mucho Purple Sunset   8. Over the Handlebars
4. Great on Paper   9. Wake Me up Slowly
5. Prahok in My Suitcase   .