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Mon Dec 27, 2021 6am - 9am 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
06:00 am
06:00 am Gerre Hancock Fanfare I Praise the Lord / Argo
06:00 am
06:02 am Royal Scottish National Orchestra Santa Claus symphony Fry: Santa Claus Symphony / Naxos
06:28 am
06:30 am Christopher Parkening Concerto for guitar Parkening / Elmer Bernstein: Concerto for Guitar / Angel
06:52 am
06:53 am Kit Downes Kings
Obsidian / ECM
07:00 am
07:00 am The Sixteen Sheppard: Salvator mundi Domine Music by John Sheppard, Vol. 2 / Hyperion
07:04 am
07:05 am Studio de musique ancienne de Montréal See, see the word is incarnate Rise, O my soul: English Anthems / ATMA
07:12 am
07:13 am Choir of Belfast Cathedral Warlock: Bethlehem Down A Time of Peace / Guild
07:17 am Choir of Belfast Cathedral Masters in this hall (arr. David Willcocks) A Time of Peace / Guild
07:21 am
07:22 am Chorus Musicus Köln Mache dich auf / Wachet auf, from Paulus Mendelssohn: Paulus / Opus 111
07:30 am
07:30 am Modern Mandolin Quartet Nutcracker suite (selections) Modern Mandolin Quartet: The Nutcracker Suite / Windham Hill
07:38 am
07:38 am Sonos Handbell Ensemble selections Christmas with the Sonos Handbell Ensemble / Windham HillWell Tempered Productions
07:44 am
07:46 am Sneak's Noyse Cold winter is come in: Plenty and poverty Christmas now is drawing near / Saydisc
07:56 am
07:57 am David Swenson Rakowski: The music theory song YouTube / self
08:00 am
08:00 am Congregation of St. Bede's Menlo Park Of the Father's love begotten Christmas at St. Bede's / St. Bede's Episcopal Church, Menlo Park
08:03 am
08:04 am Paul Silverthorne Divinum Mysterium (Concerto for viola and orchestra) Fuchs: Atlantic Riband / Naxos
08:22 am
08:24 am Hanoverian Court Orchestra Handel: Der Messias, nos. 13-21 (arr. Mozart) Der Messias / K&K Verlagsanstalt
08:43 am
08:44 am Collegium Regale Praetorius: Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen Christmas with the Choral Scholars of King's College, Cambridge / Quilisma
08:46 am Collegium Regale There is no rose Christmas with the Choral Scholars of King's College, Cambridge / Quilisma
08:50 am The Finzi Singers A spotless rose Howells: Choral Works / Chandos
08:53 am
08:54 am Pierre Bardon D'Aquin: Noël X The French Organ / Pierre Verany