Kriol, Kems / Equanimity
Album: Equanimity   Collection:A-File
Artist:Kriol, Kems   Added:Feb 2024
Label:Nous'klaer Audio  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2024-04-02 Pull Date: 2024-06-04 Charts: Electronic, Reggae/World
Week Ending: Apr 28 Apr 21 Apr 14
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 22, 2024: Virtually Happy
Bram Z'n Ding
3. Apr 11, 2024: Oh Messy Life
Pirogue Clandestine
2. Apr 20, 2024: Music Casserole
Bram Z'n Ding

Album Review
Alex Strong
Reviewed 2024-02-12
Very cool blending of Electronic methods and traditional instruments. Feels like you are OF musical culture with all the blending. Background synthetics play very well with the traditional instrumentation placed well in the song. hRIYL: The Human Experience.
Kems Kriol is from Rotterdam, Netherlands and creates songs about growing up in cold rough transit port city and finding equanimity in his past - making room for emotions while keeping the cold exterior.

Favorites: 1, 3
No FCCs.

1.* Pirogue Clandestine - Original Mix (4:44) Single female voice is bolstered by the instrumentation of traditional instruments (jaw harp, drums) synthetically placed in the song. Feels both VERY traditional and very electronic. Ends with lot of static which fades out.
2. Catchupa Guizod - Original Mix (4:33) Drums and instruments are placed in a kind of lo-fi cascading way. pause in pace @1:30; rain sounds @3:20; song resumes its pace @3:30. Has a record poppy scratchiness throughout.
3.* Bram z'n Ding (6:25) Starts with pulsing tone @0:25 regular beat kicks @0:45 bigger sweeping tones start settles @1:30. Song takes you to a jungle @2:30 before returning to the cold. Breaks throughout the song punctuate the journey. Generally slow and a headphones vibe. @6:00 ends in full jungle soundscape.
4. Pirogue Clandestine - Instrumental (4:44) The same as the original mix, except lacking some of the heavier electronic elements. At points can be slow, but picks back up. Ends with the same static.
5. Catchupa Guizod - Instrumental (4:33) Much like 4. - has much of the heavy electronics of the original removed.

Track Listing
1. Pirogue Clandestine (4:44)   3. Bram Z'n Ding (6:25)
2. Catchupa Guizod (4:33)   4. Pirogue Clandestine (4:44)
  5. Catchupa Guizod (4:33)