Owens, Christopher / Lysandre
Album: Lysandre   Collection:General
Artist:Owens, Christopher   Added:Feb 2013
Label:Fat Possum Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2013-11-28 Pull Date: 2014-02-07
Week Ending: Jan 26 Dec 8
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 18, 2014: It's Bollywood, It's Hollywood
Riviera Rock
3. Dec 03, 2013: The Alarm Clock
Riviera Rock
2. Jan 23, 2014: The Peninsula Report
4. Nov 20, 2013: 1032512
Riviera Rock, Here We Go, Riviera Rock

Album Review
Ming Er
Reviewed 2013-11-21
This album is a very quite and beautiful. Every single track in the album are telling a story in a quiet simple and beautiful way. Excellent mix of different instrument. It became one of my favorite album. Strongly recommend it.

1. Slow calm meditative flute melody, makes you feel like travel to the ancient history. This melody will appear at the end of each song.
2. Slow quiet song, just like someone is talking to you very quietly but sounds very beautify. Telling a story in a comfort way.
3. Fast. quiet joyful song express happy feeling about living in New York city, soon joined by jazz style trumpet.
4. Mid-slow. A little sad, but piano comes with a nice falsetto style vocal voice sounds beautiful.
5. Mid-fast. very rhythmic drum soon join guitar, makes it more fancy.
6. *****mid-slow. starts with birds singing in a forest and sounds of oceans waving as a backgrounds join with mix of saxtromba&pian
and guitar and some other beautiful instruments, the rhythm brings you to paradise.
7. Mid-fast. Starts with a vocal cords in a very quiet way and mix with very simple guitar and piano playing.
8. **Mid-fast.Beautiful love song starts with a nice guitar sounds joins with nice singing.
9. Slow. Starts with calm singing and mix with simple clean guitar playing.
10. Slow. Closing theme. same with the beginning them, calm and dreamy flute.

Track Listing
1. Lysandre's Theme   7. Love Is In The Ear Of The Listener
2. Here We Go   8. Lysandre
3. New York City   9. Everywhere You Knew
4. A Broken Heart   10. Closing Theme
5. Here We Go Again   11. Part Of Me (Lysandre's Epilogue)
6. Riviera Rock   .