Kent, Julia / Character
Album: Character   Collection:General
Artist:Kent, Julia   Added:Apr 2013

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2013-04-14 Pull Date: 2013-06-16 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jun 2 May 26 May 19 May 12 May 5 Apr 28 Apr 21
Airplays: 1 2 2 3 4 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 01, 2014: Top 30 X of 2013 part i
Transportation (Delivered By Roll The Dice)
4. May 19, 2013: The Crooked SPOKE adjacent
2. May 30, 2013: The Sunset Life
Nina And Oscar
5. May 16, 2013: minimum entropy ii
3. May 25, 2013: Music Casserole
6. May 14, 2013: Home Free

Album Review
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Reviewed 2013-04-08
Julia Kent

Looped cello, field recordings and electronics. Mostly just lush bowed cello.

*1. (2:51) Dark looping bowed cello. Rich and thick but slowly ebbing
2. (4:39) To and fro-ing transportation
3. (3:40) Percussive electronics, melodramatic bowing, keys
4. (3:16) Racing melodies, faint click clack electronics
*5. (4:30) Slow, slow motion tragic cinematic
6. (4:54) Low end rough rumble with knocking, whooshing wind, scary
7. (4:24) Lonesome meditation
8. (4:21) Cheesy electronic beat and sentimental bowing
9. (4:28) Bell tinkering, intrigue, romance
10. (3:44) Tender, touching, syrupy sweet
*11. (8:21) Processers, shimmery electronics, psychedelic rhythms

Track Listing
1. Ebb   7. Only Child
2. Transportation   8. Intent
3. Flicker   9. Salute
4. Tourbillon   10. Nina And Oscar
5. Fail   11. Transportation (Delivered By Roll The Dice)
6. Kindom   .