Rogers, Derek / Mist & Drift
Album: Mist & Drift   Collection:General
Artist:Rogers, Derek   Added:Apr 2013
Label:Jehu &C  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2013-04-28 Pull Date: 2013-06-30 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jun 16 Jun 2 May 26 May 12 May 5
Airplays: 1 1 1 3 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 14, 2013: Catharsis continued
4. May 10, 2013: Cathartic Anomalies
2. May 30, 2013: minimum entropy ii
5. May 09, 2013: minimum entropy ii
3. May 23, 2013: minimum entropy ii
Drift, Mist
6. May 05, 2013: Ghost Trees

Album Review
Reviewed 2013-04-26
Derek Rogers – Mist & Drift (Jehu &c ,2013)
Inconspicuous yet densely layered ambient, perfectly symmetrical sides on this gem of a tape. Sustained drones and angular field recording loops squirm their way through many different moods while still grounding us in an eerily wondrous reality. RIYL Abul Mogard; SicSic Tapes, Goldtimers, all those great little tape labels.

1. (14:59) twinkling, clattering, gets dark and rumbly, underground shaman ritual destroyed by harsh noise aliens
2. (15:00) crickets chirping for a minute or two, then an eerie synth tone builds and disintegrates into blurry abstractions.

Track Listing
1. Mist   2. Drift