Um / Mu
Album: Mu   Collection:General
Artist:Um   Added:Apr 2013
Label:Slippery Tape  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2013-04-28 Pull Date: 2013-06-30 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: May 12 May 5
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. May 05, 2013: The Crooked Spoke Adjacent
2. May 03, 2013: Orangeasm: Threaterific Party
A Part 2, A Part 1

Album Review
Reviewed 2013-04-26
Um – Mu (Slippery Tape, 2013)
Blurring the line between consciousness and computers, composition and computation, Mu, the solo noise project of Douglas Lucas, sounds like there’s a broken transmitter trying to call for help through messages encoded in white noise. I can’t tell if it’s analog or digitally made because it could plausibly be both. Warped, screeching oscillations whirr and rumble like a five-dimensional space helicopter traveling to the restaurant at the end of the universe. The anthropomorphic quality of this noise reminds me of Incapacitants, but it’s more bleak, chaotic, and confrontational. Moods range from droning and contemplative to loud and frenetic. Some type of machine is being broken, mistreated, harshly abused even, so this feels a bit voyeuristic and sadistic, in a weird way.

1. (13:52) Glitchy, grating contact mic buffoonery
2. (15:04) Low rumbling drone erupts into some harsh noise
3. (30:01) Gentle industrial ambient, mostly on the quiet side with scattered windy sounds

Track Listing
1. A Part 1   3. B
2. A Part 2   .