Serengeti / Kenny Dennis Lp
Album: Kenny Dennis Lp   Collection:General
Artist:Serengeti   Added:Jul 2013

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2013-07-28 Pull Date: 2013-09-29
Week Ending: Sep 15 Aug 25
Airplays: 1 1

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1. Sep 12, 2013: The Proselytizer Radio News Hour
2. Aug 23, 2013: Meow: The Big Takeover
Bang Em

Album Review
Reviewed 2013-07-29
Kenny Dennis LP

Serengeti is a rapper from Chicago who introduced the character “Kenny Dennis” back in 2006 on the album Dennehy. He released Kenny Dennis EP back in 2012 so this album Kenny Dennis LP is Kenny’s second album, but really one of Serengeti’s many albums. So who is Kenny? He’s a little past 50 years old, has a thick mustache, thick Chicago accent, loud and opinionated. This is meant to be a playful, light-hearted album. The content isn’t deep, the beats are simple. The lyrics are stream of consciousness. The skit tracks are amusing with cool beats, narrated by Anders Holm from the TV show Workaholics.

kenny dennis lp
1. 3:20. goofy upbeat rap song. random words repeated rhythmically over old school hip hop beat, mostly repeating “you like em, you bang em”. fun.
2. 2:55. slow beat + simple piano. spoken vocals, sort of mumbling. repeats the words “the punks” a lot. FCC: bitch
3. 1:28. skit. story about meeting kenny dennis at k-mart. club beat, energetic.
4. 3:39. mid-paced. halfway through, vocals repeat directions (up, left, right), with the speed escalating as the song progresses.
5. 3:18. Crushed Em. Starts with mellow, soulful beat. amusing lyrics with names and food items.
6. 1:41. skit. story about kenny dennis and baseball. simple beat.
7. 3:12 Kenny and Jueles. a song about kenny’s relationship with his wife. mid paced.
8. 1:54. skit. story about kenny dennis and fireworks over simple beat. FCC: shitload, fucking
9. 4:25. fast-paced, monotone vocals.
10. 4:14. skit. spoken story about kenny’s 50th birthday. goes to ruth chris for dinner. gets annoyed and leaves. simple beat.
11. 3:05 Flows. lo-fi beat. slow-paced rapping. at one point talks about unprotected sex.

Track Listing
1. Bang Em   6. Gt Show '93
2. Punks   7. Kenny And Jueles
3. Laser Tag   8. Fireworks
4. Directions   9. West Of Western
5. Crush Em   10. 50th Birthday
  11. Flows