Oozing Wound / Retrash
Album: Retrash   Collection:General
Artist:Oozing Wound   Added:Oct 2013
Label:Thrill Jockey Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2013-10-24 Pull Date: 2013-12-26 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Dec 8 Nov 17 Nov 10 Nov 3
Airplays: 1 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 04, 2013: Brownian Motion
Sustained By Hatred (Rambo 4)
4. Oct 31, 2013: The Sunset Life (Halloween)
Sustained By Hatred (Rambo 4)
2. Nov 13, 2013: Brownian Motion
Call Your Guy
5. Oct 30, 2013: Brownian Motion
Call Your Guy
3. Nov 07, 2013: Deathcrush
Sustained By Hatred (Rambo 4)
6. May 27, 1984: Metal In The A-file
Everyone I Hate Should Be Killed

Album Review
The Grunt
Reviewed 2013-11-04
Artist: Oozing Wound // Album: Retrash

Not-quite-but-really-feels-like Crossover Thrash from Chicago. Self described as "loud fucking guitars and screaming and shit. We don't sing, and we don't write big choruses." This isn't groundbreaking or outstanding, but this is just their debut…they have potential. Check em out. Hidden FCC in #1. #4 is CLEAN despite the title.

RIYL: Stormtroopers of Death, Municipal Waste, hardcore punk, sludgy vocals

1.) + + + Hard rockin old-school thrash riff! Has an FCC (shit) but you won't hear it.
2.) Slightly less thrashy riff, second half of song goes into some kind of driving buildup
3.) + Sludgy start, picks up into galloping chugging with occasional screams. Last 2 minutes hits a good groove. Starts fadeout 30seconds before end.
4.) + + Starts by establishing some rockin riffs, feels like a long intro, then really dives into it!
5.) + + Nice riff! Fast headbanger here.
6.) + + + Lots of fast tremolo picking. Sludge feel but fast.
7.) Uninteresting vamp for first 90 seconds, gets heavier but still same, eventually sounds vaguely like new Slayer…I'll pass.

-The Grunt

Track Listing
1. Everyone I Hate Should Be Killed   5. Autopsy Turvy
2. New York Bands   6. Sustained By Hatred (Rambo 4)
3. Call Your Guy   7. Spirit Manimal
4. Welcome To The Spaceship, Motherfucker   .