Weltlinger, Daniel / Samoreau
Album: Samoreau   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Weltlinger, Daniel   Added:Mar 2017
Label:Dmg - Direct Music Group  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2017-04-05 Pull Date: 2017-06-07 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Jun 4 May 28 Apr 30 Apr 16 Apr 9
Airplays: 4 3 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 08, 2023: Music Casserole
Les Enfants De Django
4. Jun 02, 2017: Rebop
Samois, Keith
2. Dec 26, 2017: Old fart At play
5. Jun 01, 2017: Moonlight Impressions
3. Jun 03, 2017: Music Casserole
3am Melun
6. Jun 01, 2017: No Cover, No Minimum

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2017-03-31
Label: DMG
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none

Review: stellar tribute to gypsy jazz and the region that spawned it as told through a violin. Superb playing throughout, including descendants of the original master, Django Reinhart. Different musicians perform on different tracks. The descriptions of the tracks on the inside cover do a much better job than I do.

If You Like: Stephane Grapelli, Darol Anger, Birelli Lagrene, John Jorgensen, and, of course, Django Reinhart

Favorite Tracks: (3) Les Enfants de Django (4) The Family (6) Keith (7) Samois (8) Waterlillies (10) Ghosts

Track Review: 1/2:42) train sounds start> slow tempo violin solo> slow fade 2/(3:36) violin starts> slow beautiful melody with accordion & guitar> fade 3/(4:50) violin starts with slow arpeggios with accordion & guitar> swings to fast tempo romp> stellar guitar solo> quick stop 4/(4:58) violin starts> midtempo duet with rhythm guitar> shifts to fast tempo romp & quick stop 5/(4:52) guitar starts> midtempo jam light & airy> fade 6/(5:28) violin starts> slow tempo jam> slow fade 7/(5:04) guitar starts> uptempojam> guitar solo> jam> quick stop 8/(4:25) violin starts> midtempo bouncing duet with piano> guitar solo> quick stop 9/(5:20) train sounds start> midtempo jam> accordion solo> frenetic guitar solo> midtempo jam> fade on train sounds 10/(3:26) guitar starts> lightning fast tempo jam> stellar solos> quick stop 11/(1:45) short slow tempo plucked violin solo

Track Listing
1. Alone   7. Samois
2. Sur-Seine   8. Waterlillies
3. Les Enfants De Django   9. 3am Melun
4. The Family   10. Ghosts
5. La Femme Sophistiquee   11. Samoreau
6. Keith   .