Chastity Belt / I Used To Spend So Much Time Alone
Album: I Used To Spend So Much Time Alone   Collection:General
Artist:Chastity Belt   Added:May 2017
Label:Hardly Art  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2017-06-08 Pull Date: 2017-08-10
Week Ending: Aug 13 Aug 6 Jul 30 Jul 23 Jul 16 Jul 9 Jul 2 Jun 25
Airplays: 2 5 5 6 5 3 5 4

Recent Airplay
1. May 29, 2024: sunday drive
Different Now
4. Nov 09, 2021: Virutally Happy
It's Obvious
2. Sep 28, 2023: down in the basement
I'm Fine
5. Jan 23, 2018: M.T.: 1STHR-Best of 2017 (Part 4); 2NDHR-Reissues [2017]; 3RDHR-Regular M.T.
It's Obvious
3. Sep 21, 2023: down in the basement
Different Now
6. Dec 27, 2017: The Fuzz Deli

Album Review
Super Chuck
Reviewed 2017-06-02
The playful sexual politics and tongue-in-cheek jangle-pop that marked Seattle’s Chastity Belt had has been rendered effectively mute on the band’s third album. This new album is an accurate depiction of the lull and forced introspection that follows the second adolescence that is early adult independence; new desires emerge, and on this record, it seems that Chastity Belt wish to be taken more seriously — both by themselves and others.

Recommend to play: 5, 6, 7, 10

indie rock, post-punk

Like: Diet Cig, Speedy Ortiz, Colleen Green, Cherry Glazer


1.Different Now (3:48) Single-note guitar lines over a simple bass line, both of which eventually bloom to a sparkling roil
2.Caught in a Lie (3:55) Hazy guitars, bulging bass lines, and bonehead snare drumming.
3.This Time of Night (4:00) Zooms rapidly from crunchy garage rock to blurry atmospheric wasteland.
4.Stuck (3:44) Brooding sort of chorus-charged rock, charting invigorating territory so many guitars layers together. Good!
5.Complain (4:44) Frantic lyric, gripping and oddly catchy track.
6.It's Obvious (3:43) Shoegaze-y pop that would sound depressing if it weren’t so strangely vibrant.
7.What the Hell (3:35) Classic tone with its opening guitar strums, and even more as the riff and vocals come in.
8.Something Else (4:54) Slow start, commanding choruses hit so intently that it makes it all the more satisfying given the wait.
9.Used to Spend (4:16) Roaring distortion and vocal melodies that break through with a pained wail
10.5am (5:40) Cresting vamp of scorching noise and wiry riffs, simply beautiful.
11.Don't Worry (Bonus Track) (3:32) Slow shoegaz-y trip, calm and lovely.
12.Bender (Bonus Track) (4:38) Acoustic guitar intro opens for well effected vocals - dreamy indie rock.
13.I'm Fine (Bonus Track) (03:31) indie pop, guitars with reverb and more reverb.

Track Listing
1. Different Now   7. What The Hell
2. Caught In A Lie   8. Something Else
3. This Time Of Night   9. Used To Spend
4. Stuck   10. 5am
5. Complain   11. Don't Worry
6. It's Obvious   12. Bender
  13. I'm Fine