Body Void / I Live Inside A Burning House
Album: I Live Inside A Burning House   Collection:General
Artist:Body Void   Added:Apr 2018
Label:Crown And Throne, Ltd.  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-04-19 Pull Date: 2018-06-21 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Jun 17 Jun 3 May 13
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 13, 2018: Brownian Motion
Phantom Limb
3. May 09, 2018: Brownian Motion
Phantom Limb
2. May 30, 2018: Brownian Motion
Phantom Limb

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2018-05-02
Bay Area nuclear grade doom - HUGE hollow tortured dissonance. Slow plods of crushing bass and drums, sustained feedback guitars and Gollum being drawn and quartered screamo vocals. Sound very much like Burning Witch, Khanate. Ok, these guys win. Game over.

1) (1:50) low drone then big doom booms, glacial plod. 2) (18:19) dissonant creepy, tribal, huge, Gollum being tortured scream vocs appear, bout 5 min in beat picks up, goes back to plod, ~4 min left goes balls out 2/4 then 4/4 gallop 3) (16:37) mid paced screamo death plod from start, thrashes out midway 4)* (8:55) big crushing slow plod of course turns into a swingy gallopy uptick, devolves into epic spazz our 5) (21:30) slow start, big ugly plod again, picks up slightly

Track Listing
1. Intro/Inside A Burning House   4. Phantom Limb
2. Haunted   5. Given
3. Trauma Creature   .