Murr, Cornelia / Lake Tear Of The Clouds
Album: Lake Tear Of The Clouds   Collection:General
Artist:Murr, Cornelia   Added:Aug 2018
Label:Autumn Tone  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-08-02 Pull Date: 2018-10-04
Week Ending: Aug 26 Aug 19 Aug 12 Aug 5
Airplays: 1 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 05, 2024: elemenohps & qs
Different This Time
4. Dec 16, 2018: Bass Pro Shop
Who Am I To Tell You
2. Jan 24, 2024: Passenger Princess
You Got Me
5. Oct 07, 2018: Bass Pro Shop
I Have A Woman Inside My Soul
3. Jun 29, 2023: emergency meeting
Different This Time
6. Oct 06, 2018: Music Casserole
I Have A Woman Inside My Soul

Album Review
Reviewed 2018-08-01
Lake Tear of the Clouds / Cornelia Murr
Reviewed by: jackie

Dreamy, ethereal soundscape with folksy and jazzy instrumentals. Velvety vocals throughout, extremely cohesive. The debut album from Cornelia Murr, produced by Jim James of My Morning Jacket. FCC clean. Favorites: 2, 3, 5, 7, 8

1. (3:53) Different This Time - Xylophone synth, reminds me of an ice cream truck or carousel music, steady powerful drum kicks, dreamy vocals, a gentle, slightly jazzy introduction
2. (4:07) *Tokyo Kyoto - Slower, more subtle, dreamy soundscape, describes her experience with an unplanned pregnancy “oh we’ll have those days,” voice and instrumental build gradually
3. (3:42) *Man on my mind - More xylophone synth, drum kit comes in, more prominent than before, more upbeat, cosmic sounding soul/folk/jazzy
4. (4:01) Cicada - fuzzier xylophone sound, fuzzier vocals, begins with an incessant fuzzy xylophone synth/static sound, much like a cicada sound. Slightly dissonant. Light waltzing jazzy beat. A quiet buildup and then a release in the middle. Certainly the most dissonant and different sounding song on the album. Ends with cicada/bird chirps. Splits the album in half
5. (3:21)* Who Am I To Tell You - more propulsive/pronounced drum. No more xylophone synth. Marching rhythm with drum and soft bassline. “Who am i to tell you how to treat a lady” the irony is not lost. Fun synthy/folky/banjo/tambourine instrumental interlude. Most uptempo on the album.
6. (3:22) Billions - Return of the xylophone synthy sound. Velvety vocals. Slightly building instrumental drums. The underlying synth can get kind of tiring and relentless. Doesn’t really go anywhere
7. (5:12) *I Have A Woman Inside My Soul - cover of Yoko Ono song, more pronounced vocals. Lower register, less breathy. Instrumental breakdown and backing vocals at the end. Great cover. Play this one!
8. (3:57) *You Got Me - stripped back instrumentals (most sparse out of all the tracks), more like the first half of the album. Finger picking lets her voice come through. Whistling. Very dreamy and beautiful.

Track Listing
1. Different This Time   5. Who Am I To Tell You
2. Tokyo Kyoto   6. Billions
3. Man On My Mind   7. I Have A Woman Inside My Soul
4. Cicada   8. You Got Me