Dialeto / Live With David Cross
Album: Live With David Cross   Collection:General
Artist:Dialeto   Added:Nov 2018

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-11-16 Pull Date: 2019-01-18
Week Ending: Jan 20 Jan 13 Dec 16
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 15, 2019: FOR THE FAM
The Talking Drum
3. Dec 14, 2018: old fart At Play
Roumanian Folk Dances 3: Standing
2. Jan 12, 2019: Music Casserole
The Talking Drum

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2018-11-09
Reviewed: 2018-11-09
Genre: General
FCCs: none
Review: Dialeto is a heavy prog power trio formed in Brazil. The three members are multi-ethnic. With all this cultural background and also with influences from folk eastern music the band constructed their original and peculiar sound based on the ideal of cultural and ethnic integration, on the concept that the world, as seen from the space, has no frontiers and any language is completely understandable if translated to music. All the synth sounds are created on guitar. David Cross performed on violin with King Crimson from 1972-1974. The last half of this live set revisits some of the highlights of the Crimson catalog from that period.
If You Like: King Crimson, Porcupine Tree, Terje Rypdal
Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
*1/ Roumanian Folk Dances 3: Standing (3:40) – synth-like sound morphs into rumbling midtempo jam> heavy full frontal attack> quick stop
2/ Roumanian Folk Dances 2: Peasant (3:02) – guitar starts slow, then swings to uptempo jam, then fast jam> quick stop
*3/ Roumanian Folk Dances 4: Stick Game (4:59) – bass starts> slow plodding sonic jam bui& intensity> crescendo end
4/ Mikrokosmos 149 (3:48) – Six Dances In Bulgarian Rhythm 2 (3:48) – drums start> midtempo rocking jam> slows to crescendo end
**5/ Mikrokosmos 113 – Bulgarian Rhythm I (4:45) – synth-like sound/violin slow duet> uptempo rocking jam> quick stop
*6/ Mikrokosmos 78 - Five Tone Scale (7:31) – violin starts with slow solo> morphs into slow sonic rocking jam> quick stop
7/ An Evening In The Village – 10 Easy Piano Pieces No. 5 (4:39) – violin starts> slow duet with synth-like guitar> sudden shift to uptempo sonic rocking jam> slows to slow sonic jam> quick fade
8/ The Young Bride – For Children Vol. 1 No. 17 (5:15) – guitar starts> slow heavy jam builds in volume & intensity> crescendo end
*9/ Exiles (10:59) - guitar/violin slow duet starts> heavy slow jam & song> uptempo space jam> fade
*10/ Tonk (3:34) – heavy chords start> heavy midtempo rocking jam> quick stop
*11/ The Talking Drum (6:39) – violin/synth guitar start slow & swing uptempo> buolds in volume & intensity> crescendo end (segues into the next track)
*12/ Larks’ Tongues In Aspic, Part Two (7:34) – heavy chords start> builds intensity & slows, then builds & slows several times> crescendo end (followed by band intro)
* 13/ Starless (11:19) – synth guitar starts> slow heavy jam & song builds in volume & intensity> slides into rocking uptempo sonic jam> fade

Track Listing
1. Roumanian Folk Dances 3: Standing   8. The Young Bride: For Children Vol. 1 No. 17
2. Roumanian Folk Dances 2: Peasant   9. Exiles
3. Roumanian Folk Dances 4: Stick Game   10. Tonk
4. Mikrokosmos 149 - Six Dances In Bulgarian Rhythm I   11. The Talking Drum
5. Mikrokosmos 113 - Bulgarian Rhythm I   12. Larks' Tongues In Aspic, Part Two
6. Mikrokosmos 78 - Five Tone Scale   13. Starless
7. An Evening For The Village - 10 Easy Piano Pieces No. 5   .