Rogers, Joshua / Returning
Album: Returning   Collection:General
Artist:Rogers, Joshua   Added:Dec 2018
Label:Mixed Bag Music Group  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2019-01-01 Pull Date: 2019-03-05
Week Ending: Mar 10 Mar 3 Feb 24 Feb 17 Feb 3 Jan 27 Jan 20 Jan 13
Airplays: 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1

Recent Airplay
1. Sep 22, 2024: ReJOYce in Jesus presents "Lift Jesus Higher!"
I Need You
4. Jun 26, 2022: ReJOYce in Jesus presents "Lift Jesus Higher!"
2. Jul 31, 2022: ReJOYce in Jesus presents "Lift Jesus Higher!"
5. Apr 03, 2022: ReJOYce in Jesus presents "Lift Jesus Higher!"
3. Jul 10, 2022: ReJOYce in Jesus presents "Lift Jesus Higher!"
6. Dec 06, 2020: ReJOYce in Jesus presents "Lift Jesus Higher!"
Don't Leave Me

Album Review
LJH Christina
Reviewed 2019-01-11
Joshua Rogers is a talented gospel artist who, up to season seven, was known as the youngest and first male winner of the talent search show “BET’s Sunday Best” (which features great Grammy-winning artists as judges: Donnie McClurkin, Yolanda Adams , CeCe Winans, to name a few). Returning, Joshua’s third album, takes you to church with its combination of great sounding urban gospel music and a showcase of his vocal ability. Sampling and tributes to gospel legends such as the Winans and Daryl Coley are very well done. Awesome tribute to the late Daryl Coley. Similar vocally to: 21:03. Similar musically to: Darwin Hobbs, Men of Standard. Favorite tracks: 1*,2**,5**,7*, 11*, 13*, 14*. No FCCs.

*1 (3:59)- Don’t Leave Me - Med slow. upbeat tempo. Piano, guitar, horns, male lead, choir accompaniment.

**2 [4:18]- Returning - Med tempo. Sampling of BeBe & CeCe Winans “In Return”. Guitar intro, Bass, groovy beat. Male vocal.

3 [3:51] - Numbers - Med fast. Slight talkbox on choral background. Male Vocal.

4 [4:19] - Pour Your Oil - Slow med. Keyboard, choir accompaniment. Male Vocal.

**5 [7:33] - Daryl Coley Medley - Uptempo to slow to med. Gospel choir. Male Vocal.

6 [4:52] - Greater - Med fast gospel. Talking intro. Guitar, drum, bass, organ, piano. Male Vocal. Some female accompaniment.

*7 [3:55] - Free. - Med R&P sound. Male choral background. Male Vocal. Guitar, drum, bass, organ.

8 [4:07] - I Need You - Med slow. Male choral background. Male Vocal. Synth strings.

9 [3:15] - That’s Why I Praise - Med. clapping percussion, horns. guitar, drums, keyboard. Male vocal.

10 [5:54] - More Than a Conqueror - Med slow. Choir accompaniment. Male Vocal. Last two mins are instrumental

*11 [3:15] - Heaven - Med fast. Synth keyboard with effects. Synth percussion. Horns. Male choral background. Male vocal.

12 [3:36] - Yesterday - Med fast. 80s r&b sound: synth percussions, bass guitar, keyboard. Slight talk box effect on male choral background and male vocal.

*13 [3:36] - Yesterday remix - Med fast. 80s r&b sound: synth percussions, bass guitar, keyboard. Talkbox on male background. Male vocal.

*14 [5:08] - Nothing But the Blood - Med. Begins with speaking. Gospel choir with male lead. Organ, drum, keyboard, bass guitar.

Track Listing
1. Don't Leave Me   8. I Need You
2. Returning   9. That's Why I Praise
3. Numbers   10. More Than A Conqueror
4. Pour Your Oil   11. Heaven
5. Daryl Coley Medley   12. Yesterday
6. Greater   13. Yesterday Remix (Feat. Gerald Haddon & Marcus Hodge)
7. Free   14. Nothing But The Blood