Evans, Bill / Evans In England
Album: Evans In England   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Evans, Bill   Added:May 2019
Label:Resonance Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2019-05-10 Pull Date: 2019-07-12 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Jul 14 Jul 7 Jun 23 Jun 9 Jun 2 May 19
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Recent Airplay
1. Jan 01, 2025: Mix Tape: Haven't I Seen This Movie Before?
What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life?, So What
4. Jul 21, 2019: Hot Probs
Stella By Starlight
2. Jul 05, 2022: Mix Tape: Drunks & Milkmen Edition
So What
5. Jul 20, 2019: Music Casserole
So What
3. Dec 22, 2019: Mix Tape
Stella By Starlight
6. Jul 14, 2019: Hot Probs
Very Early

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2019-05-10
Reviewed: 2018-05-08
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none
Review: By 1969, as these newly discovered tapes show, Evans’ approach had solidified: the trio’s repertoire consisted of a number of carefully arranged standards, from which he extracted the last drop of lyricism while draining away any hint of sentimentality, plus a handful of his own compositions. With Eddie Gomez and Marty Morrell, Evans had found once more a rhythm section that questioned, provoked, prodded and scribbled over his best laid plans, and in this relaxed setting they certainly sound like they’re enjoying it.
If You Like: Wynton Kelly, Herbie Hancock
Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
*1/ Our Love Is Here To Stay (4:42) – piano starts strong> uptempo jam> rocking bass solo> uptempo jam begins swinging faster> crescendo end
2/ Sugar Plum (9:43) – piano starts with midtempo solo> midtempo jam> bass solo> piano solo to fade
**3/ Stella By Starlight (6:46) -piano starts> slow jam swings uptempo> bass solo> spirited piano solo> uptempo jam> crescendo & fade
4/ My Foolish Heart (4:38) – piano starts> slow jam builds to midtempo> piano solo> midtempo jam> mellow crescendo end
***5/ Waltz For Debby (7:57) – piano starts> midtempo jam swings up> piano solo> uptempo jam> swinging bass solo> uptempo jam> swings to fast tempo> quick fade
*6/ ‘Round Midnight (6:37) – piano starts strong & fast>pause> slow jam> piano solo builds to uptempo jam> bass solo> midtempo jam swings back to fast tempo> crescendo end
*7/ The Two Lonely People (8:02) – piano starts with midtempo solo> midtempo jam> piano solo swings uptempo> uptempo jam> bass solo> midtempo jam> crescendo &n fade
**8/ Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me) (7:30) – piano starts strong midtempo & quickly swings into uptempo jam> bass solo> uptempo jam swings to fast tempo> off to the races> lightning fast jam> crescendo end
*9/ Elsa (7:08) – piano starts with a midtempo solo> midtempo jam> piano solo swings up uptempo> uptempo jam> bass solo> midtempo jam> fade
10/ What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life (5:39) – bass/piano starts hesitating> slow jam with waves of notes> crescendo end
*11/ Turn Out The Stars (5:03) – piano starts strong & slow> slow jam mellows slightly> piano solo swings into uptempo jam, then mellows to midtempo>slow fade
**12/ Re: Person I Knew (8:51) – piano starts slow, builds into midtempo jam> slowly builds to uptempo jam> bass solo> uptempo jam> slows to fade
13/ Goodbye (2:32) – bass/piano starts> midtempo jam slows to slow tempo> piano solo builds to midtempo jam> crescendo end
*14/ Come Rain And Come Shine (5:05) – piano srarts> midtrempo jam> swings uptempo> piano solo> bass solo>uptempo jam> quick fade
*15/ Very Early (4:45) – piano starts slow> swings into fast tempo jam> bass solo> fast jam> crescendo end
***16/ So What (8:22) – piano starts slow, bass comes in very fast> pause> bass starts> uptempo hesitating jam morphs into swinging jam> piano solo> uptempo jam> piano solo> uptempo jam> pause> bass solo racks out with drums> pause> uptempo jam> quick fade
17/ Midnight Mood (4:44) – piano starts> midtempo jam> piano solo swings into uptempo jam, then mellows to midtempo> crescendo end
1*8/ Polkadots And Moonbeams (3:54) - piano starts strong & slow, swings to midtempo jam, then uptempo> piano solo> fade

Track Listing
1. (Disc 1) Our Love Is Here To Stay   10. What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life?
2. Sugar Plum   11. Turn Out The Stars
3. Stella By Starlight   12. Re: Person I Knew
4. My Foolish Heart   13. Goodbye
5. Waltz For Debby   14. Come Rain Or Come Shine
6. ' Round Midnight   15. Very Early
7. The Two Lonely People   16. So What
8. Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me)   17. Midnight Mood
9. (Disc 2) Elsa   18. Polka Dots And Moonbeams