Evans, Bill / Evans In England
Album: | Evans In England | Collection: | Jazz | |
Artist: | Evans, Bill | Added: | May 2019 | |
Label: | Resonance Records |
A-File Activity
Add Date: | 2019-05-10 | Pull Date: | 2019-07-12 | Charts: | Jazz |
Week Ending: | Jul 14 | Jul 7 | Jun 23 | Jun 9 | Jun 2 | May 19 |
Airplays: | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Recent Airplay
1. | Jan 01, 2025: | Mix Tape: Haven't I Seen This Movie Before?
What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life?, So What |
4. | Jul 21, 2019: | Hot Probs
Stella By Starlight |
2. | Jul 05, 2022: | Mix Tape: Drunks & Milkmen Edition
So What |
5. | Jul 20, 2019: | Music Casserole
So What |
3. | Dec 22, 2019: | Mix Tape
Stella By Starlight |
6. | Jul 14, 2019: | Hot Probs
Very Early |
Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2019-05-10
Reviewed 2019-05-10
Reviewed: 2018-05-08
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none
Review: By 1969, as these newly discovered tapes show, Evans’ approach had solidified: the trio’s repertoire consisted of a number of carefully arranged standards, from which he extracted the last drop of lyricism while draining away any hint of sentimentality, plus a handful of his own compositions. With Eddie Gomez and Marty Morrell, Evans had found once more a rhythm section that questioned, provoked, prodded and scribbled over his best laid plans, and in this relaxed setting they certainly sound like they’re enjoying it.
If You Like: Wynton Kelly, Herbie Hancock
Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
*1/ Our Love Is Here To Stay (4:42) – piano starts strong> uptempo jam> rocking bass solo> uptempo jam begins swinging faster> crescendo end
2/ Sugar Plum (9:43) – piano starts with midtempo solo> midtempo jam> bass solo> piano solo to fade
**3/ Stella By Starlight (6:46) -piano starts> slow jam swings uptempo> bass solo> spirited piano solo> uptempo jam> crescendo & fade
4/ My Foolish Heart (4:38) – piano starts> slow jam builds to midtempo> piano solo> midtempo jam> mellow crescendo end
***5/ Waltz For Debby (7:57) – piano starts> midtempo jam swings up> piano solo> uptempo jam> swinging bass solo> uptempo jam> swings to fast tempo> quick fade
*6/ ‘Round Midnight (6:37) – piano starts strong & fast>pause> slow jam> piano solo builds to uptempo jam> bass solo> midtempo jam swings back to fast tempo> crescendo end
*7/ The Two Lonely People (8:02) – piano starts with midtempo solo> midtempo jam> piano solo swings uptempo> uptempo jam> bass solo> midtempo jam> crescendo &n fade
**8/ Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me) (7:30) – piano starts strong midtempo & quickly swings into uptempo jam> bass solo> uptempo jam swings to fast tempo> off to the races> lightning fast jam> crescendo end
*9/ Elsa (7:08) – piano starts with a midtempo solo> midtempo jam> piano solo swings up uptempo> uptempo jam> bass solo> midtempo jam> fade
10/ What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life (5:39) – bass/piano starts hesitating> slow jam with waves of notes> crescendo end
*11/ Turn Out The Stars (5:03) – piano starts strong & slow> slow jam mellows slightly> piano solo swings into uptempo jam, then mellows to midtempo>slow fade
**12/ Re: Person I Knew (8:51) – piano starts slow, builds into midtempo jam> slowly builds to uptempo jam> bass solo> uptempo jam> slows to fade
13/ Goodbye (2:32) – bass/piano starts> midtempo jam slows to slow tempo> piano solo builds to midtempo jam> crescendo end
*14/ Come Rain And Come Shine (5:05) – piano srarts> midtrempo jam> swings uptempo> piano solo> bass solo>uptempo jam> quick fade
*15/ Very Early (4:45) – piano starts slow> swings into fast tempo jam> bass solo> fast jam> crescendo end
***16/ So What (8:22) – piano starts slow, bass comes in very fast> pause> bass starts> uptempo hesitating jam morphs into swinging jam> piano solo> uptempo jam> piano solo> uptempo jam> pause> bass solo racks out with drums> pause> uptempo jam> quick fade
17/ Midnight Mood (4:44) – piano starts> midtempo jam> piano solo swings into uptempo jam, then mellows to midtempo> crescendo end
1*8/ Polkadots And Moonbeams (3:54) - piano starts strong & slow, swings to midtempo jam, then uptempo> piano solo> fade
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none
Review: By 1969, as these newly discovered tapes show, Evans’ approach had solidified: the trio’s repertoire consisted of a number of carefully arranged standards, from which he extracted the last drop of lyricism while draining away any hint of sentimentality, plus a handful of his own compositions. With Eddie Gomez and Marty Morrell, Evans had found once more a rhythm section that questioned, provoked, prodded and scribbled over his best laid plans, and in this relaxed setting they certainly sound like they’re enjoying it.
If You Like: Wynton Kelly, Herbie Hancock
Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
*1/ Our Love Is Here To Stay (4:42) – piano starts strong> uptempo jam> rocking bass solo> uptempo jam begins swinging faster> crescendo end
2/ Sugar Plum (9:43) – piano starts with midtempo solo> midtempo jam> bass solo> piano solo to fade
**3/ Stella By Starlight (6:46) -piano starts> slow jam swings uptempo> bass solo> spirited piano solo> uptempo jam> crescendo & fade
4/ My Foolish Heart (4:38) – piano starts> slow jam builds to midtempo> piano solo> midtempo jam> mellow crescendo end
***5/ Waltz For Debby (7:57) – piano starts> midtempo jam swings up> piano solo> uptempo jam> swinging bass solo> uptempo jam> swings to fast tempo> quick fade
*6/ ‘Round Midnight (6:37) – piano starts strong & fast>pause> slow jam> piano solo builds to uptempo jam> bass solo> midtempo jam swings back to fast tempo> crescendo end
*7/ The Two Lonely People (8:02) – piano starts with midtempo solo> midtempo jam> piano solo swings uptempo> uptempo jam> bass solo> midtempo jam> crescendo &n fade
**8/ Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me) (7:30) – piano starts strong midtempo & quickly swings into uptempo jam> bass solo> uptempo jam swings to fast tempo> off to the races> lightning fast jam> crescendo end
*9/ Elsa (7:08) – piano starts with a midtempo solo> midtempo jam> piano solo swings up uptempo> uptempo jam> bass solo> midtempo jam> fade
10/ What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life (5:39) – bass/piano starts hesitating> slow jam with waves of notes> crescendo end
*11/ Turn Out The Stars (5:03) – piano starts strong & slow> slow jam mellows slightly> piano solo swings into uptempo jam, then mellows to midtempo>slow fade
**12/ Re: Person I Knew (8:51) – piano starts slow, builds into midtempo jam> slowly builds to uptempo jam> bass solo> uptempo jam> slows to fade
13/ Goodbye (2:32) – bass/piano starts> midtempo jam slows to slow tempo> piano solo builds to midtempo jam> crescendo end
*14/ Come Rain And Come Shine (5:05) – piano srarts> midtrempo jam> swings uptempo> piano solo> bass solo>uptempo jam> quick fade
*15/ Very Early (4:45) – piano starts slow> swings into fast tempo jam> bass solo> fast jam> crescendo end
***16/ So What (8:22) – piano starts slow, bass comes in very fast> pause> bass starts> uptempo hesitating jam morphs into swinging jam> piano solo> uptempo jam> piano solo> uptempo jam> pause> bass solo racks out with drums> pause> uptempo jam> quick fade
17/ Midnight Mood (4:44) – piano starts> midtempo jam> piano solo swings into uptempo jam, then mellows to midtempo> crescendo end
1*8/ Polkadots And Moonbeams (3:54) - piano starts strong & slow, swings to midtempo jam, then uptempo> piano solo> fade
Track Listing