Ashley, Robert / Improvement (Don Leaves Linda)
Album: Improvement (Don Leaves Linda)   Collection:General
Artist:Ashley, Robert   Added:Nov 2019
Label:Lovely Music, Ltd  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2020-01-15 Pull Date: 2020-04-29 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Feb 23
Airplays: 1

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 22, 2020: Music Casserole
The Contents Of Her Purse (Scene 9)

Album Review
Reviewed 2019-11-20
– General Description: This is an opera with a Greek Chorus. It could also be called Hyper-Verbal-Don’t-Even-Think-of-Falling-Asleep-While-Listening because it’s really fast at times and you’ll miss the story or sense of it and this makes it difficult for radio. The delivery is also aurally monotonous; recitative is not meant to carry an entire story nor is it to sit predominantly on one tone no matter how much modulation you have with rhythm. Unfortunately, this monotone quality is the foundation of all the tracks. But one track is worth a listen and it pretty much unto itself encapsulates the attempted musical intent behind this work and story-wise doesn’t leave you hanging — so give this a listen: The Contents of Her Purse.

– FCC Compliant: YES
– Recommended Tracks: 10
– Track Reviews:

1. (1:31) The Argument (Prelude) - Greek Chorus doing recitative
2. (1:18) Sunset at the Turnoff (Scene 1)
3. (1:31) The Airline Ticket Counter (Scene 2)
4. (2:58) The Correspondences Text (Scene 3)
5. (6:38) The Ride to Town (Scene 4)
6. (1:31) The Airline Ticket Counter (Scene 5)
7. (4:36) The Indifference Text (Scene 6)
8. (2:03) Back Home... (Scene 7)
9. (2:16) Mr. George Payne (Scene 8)
10. ***(10:23) The Contents of Her Purse (Scene 9)
11. (3:46) Supper with Mr. Payne's Mother (Scene 10)
12. (4:08) Golf Left-Handed (Scene 11)
13. (1:40) A Moment (Very Late)... (Scene 12)
14. (4:38) The Big City (Scene 13)/Tarzan - kinda racist, avoid this track
15. (8:14) The Big City (Continued)/The Doctor (Scene 14)/The Offering of Images
16. (5:10) The Good Life (Scene 15)
17. (4:01) Trouble (Scene 16)/ The Good Life (Continued)/Trouble (Continued)/The Good Life (Continued)
18. (3:07) A Place In the Country (Scene 17)
19. (8:45) Happiness, Prosperity and Forgetfulness (Scene 18)
20. (5:03) The Bridge Game (Scene 19)
21. (2:04) North (Berlin/A Tango) (Scene 20)
22. (0:31) East (River Rouge) (Scene 21)
23. (1:41) South (Campo Dei Fiori, Rome) (Scene 22)
24. (1:10) West (Atlantis) (Scene 23)

Track Listing
1. The Argument (Prelude) - Greek Chorus Doing Recitative   13. A Moment (Very Late)... (Scene 12)
2. Sunset At The Turnoff (Scene 1)   14. The Big City (Scene 13)/tarzan
3. The Airline Ticket Counter (Scene 2)   15. The Big City (Continued)/the Doctor (Scene 14)/the Offering Of Images
4. The Correspondences Text (Scene 3)   16. The Good Life (Scene 15)
5. The Ride To Town (Scene 4)   18. A Place In The Country (Scene 17)
6. The Airline Ticket Counter (Scene 5)   19. Happiness, Prosperity And Forgetfulness (Scene 18)
7. The Indifference Text (Scene 6)   20. The Bridge Game (Scene 19)
8. Back Home... (Scene 7)   21. North (Berlin/a Tango) (Scene 20)
9. Mr. George Payne (Scene 8)   22. East (River Rouge) (Scene 21)
10. The Contents Of Her Purse (Scene 9)   23. South (Campo Dei Fiori, Rome) (Scene 22)
11. Supper With Mr. Payne's Mother (Scene 10)   24. West (Atlantis) (Scene 23)
12. Golf Left-Handed (Scene 11)   .