Moenoise / Noizukiyanseringu No Muryoku
Album: Noizukiyanseringu No Muryoku   Collection:General - Experimental
Artist:Moenoise   Added:Oct 2024

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2024-10-26 Pull Date: 2025-01-25 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Dec 1 Nov 10 Nov 3
Airplays: 1 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 25, 2024: Virtually Happy
寂しかったニャ(I was lonely) <cat meowing>
3. Nov 03, 2024: I Like to Dance: Shake Off Your Pants
2. Nov 09, 2024: Music Casserole
4. Nov 02, 2024: where's my snail?

Album Review
Diego Aguilar-Canabal
Reviewed 2024-10-09
Moenoise -ノイズキャンセリングの無力。(Noizukiyanseringu no muryoku)

Whimsical, glitchy harsh noise from Kumamoto, Japan. Her bio says she just got into noise last year (2023) so it’s got that eager, boisterous energy of a new convert being the strongest zealot. But like, for noise. RIYL Hijokaidan, Otomo Yoshihide, Xome. FCC clean, all instrumental and excellent.

1. (10:15) swirling buzzing oscillators, bleeps and bloops, dental drills, rhythmic dial-up tones
2. (2:58) some fuzzy distortion, mostly really grating sped-up loops of cats meowing, becomes a really annoying digital chorus of demonic kittens
3. (9:08)*** fuzzed-out dial-up modem / dental drill madness
4. (1:55) industrial interlude, scattered rhythmic sheet metal scraping
5. (11:05)* sinister bleep-bloops, alien laser beams drilling deep holes in your skull, nuclear explosions behind your eyeballs
6. (10:05)** dental hygienist-esque oscillators intermittently fuzzing out into pink noise and congealing back into complex waveforms

Track Listing
1. .雑音(Zōon) (10:15)   4. 夢の欠片 (1:55)
2. 寂しかったニャ (2:58)   5. 狂った電気風呂 (11:05)
3. DAPPUN (9:08)   6. ノイズキャンセリングの無力。 (10:05)