Various Artists / Deafening Divinities with Aura
Album: Deafening Divinities with Aura   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Jan 1994
Label:Beggars Banquet  

Recent Airplay
1. May 23, 2024: down in the basement
4. Mar 09, 2023: Down in the Basement
Miss Leader
2. Jan 18, 2024: down in the basement
Are Friends Electric?
5. Jan 10, 2015: Mix Tape
Cuts You Up
3. Apr 27, 2023: down in the basement
Cuts You Up
6. Jul 23, 2006: Biff Bang Pow
Dark Side of Town

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Radial Spangle Birthday
2. Buffalo Tom Treehouse
3. Dylans, the Smarter than You
4. Rollerskate Skinny Miss Leader
5. Charlatans, the Subterranean (Live)
6. G. W. Mclennan Dark Side of Town
7. Polyphemus Color It
8. Hair & Skin Trading Compan, th On Again Off Again
9. Sundial Watch You Smile
10. Peter Murphy Cuts You Up
11. Go-Betweens, the Bye Bye Pride
12. Fall, the Hit the North
13. Tones on Tail Go
14. Southern Death Cult Moya
15. Bauhaus Kick in the Eye
16. Gary Numan/Tubeway Army Are Friends Electric?
17. Lurkers, the Shadow