Various Artists / She's a Rebel
Album: She's a Rebel   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Feb 1997
Label:Shanachie Entertainment  

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 03, 2024: down in the basement
Oh Nina
3. Jan 20, 2007: Biff Bang Pow
Goodnight Now
2. Mar 13, 2009: Pants Down In The Oval Office
Oh Nina

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Muffs, the Oh Nina
2. Tribe 8 Mendo Hoo-Ha
3. Teen Angels Jack Shit
4. Tribe 8 Tranny Chaser
5. Cake Like Suck
6. Kahn, Brenda Spoon
7. Bandit Queen Give It to the Dog
8. Die Cheerleader Starsucker
9. Bell Loose & Unsubduded
10. Nitocris Sycophant
11. Flower S.F. Ego
12. 7 Year Bitch Rock-A-Bye-Baby
13. Dirt Merchants Isosceles
14. Battershell Prick
15. Cocktaillica No Yawk
16. Muffs, the Goodnight Now