Various Artists / Respond
Album: Respond   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Feb 1999
Label:Signature Sounds  

Recent Airplay
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4. Nov 15, 2019: Traditions
Running Out, Two Boats, Do Unto Others, Angels Wings
2. Jun 18, 2024: Traditions
Angels Wings
5. Sep 27, 2019: Traditions
Do Unto Others
3. Dec 12, 2023: Traditions
6. Jan 27, 2007: Biff Bang Pow
A Different Kind of Gone

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Larkin, Patty Angels Wings
2. Amsterburg, Merrie World of Our Own Making
3. Geltman, Laurie Ghost in the House
4. Ferrick, Melissa Everything I Need
5. Sharar, Linda Any Kind of Love
6. Powers, Kerri Regards to Amsterdam
7. Reynolds, Jenny Whisper
8. Delmhorst, Kris Weatherman
9. Gauthier, Mary A Different Kind of Gone
10. Klein, Jess Romeo
11. Friedman, Esther Moon Over Water
12. Kessler, Barbara Grown Up Love Songs And...
13. Lord, Mary Lou Two Boats
14. Pasternak, Deb One Regret
15. Curtis, Catie Do Unto Others
16. Kimball, Jennifer Veering From the Wave
17. Means, Pamela Uncle
18. Hatfield, Juliana Running Out
19. Sexton, Colleen Dear Arlene
20. Devereaux, Charan Come Around
21. Mckenna, Lori Fireflies
22. Verdone, Jules Turnaround
23. Trynin, Jen Sad Girl
24. Nawn, Linda Lately
25. Hammond, Sandi Across the Bay
26. Shepard, Alexis Purple Ray Gun